chapter 14: Visiting the patient

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

Although phugun slept early and soundly during the night, before the patient opened his eyes again, the sun was already at its hottest and most dazzling time of the day.

The air was so suffocating that even the air conditioning couldn't even work. Phugun's legs kicked the blanket from his body, he turned around and hugged his bedmate's pillow, which was already cold. The faint fragrance of the pillow ran across the tip of his nose and the boy slowly opened his eyes.

"What time is it now?"

Phugun raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, the sunlight outside was very blinding.

"Where is P'Cir?"

The boy got up and sat cross-legged, looking at the empty room. He was sick and had no memory loss. How can he not remember that he fell asleep in someone's arms last night? He had become familiar with the smell of perfume on that person's pillow.

What he didn't realize before was that P'Cir's scent was cold and refreshing and that it was different from the rich scent of Achi's perfume.

They slept together last night, and he even buried his face in the older man's broad chest. Filling himself with this fragrance made Phugun sleep well. He thinks that the person who hasn't showered still smells really good

Phugun smiled, remembered that he replied to P'Cir saying that it is good the next day to take a bath, and remembered that he fell asleep hugging the person who had not bathed last night.

Thinking about this, phugun couldn't help but wonder where the eldest had gone. Phugun got up and left the room.


The boy thought that the eldest might have gone back to his room, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his beautiful lips opened into a smile.

The tall man was sitting on the couch with his MacBook on his knees. When he heard his voice. His eyes immediately moved from the screen to his face, phugun smiled brighter.

"P'Cir did not return home."

Like all sick people in the world, the boy doesn't want to be alone, even though his condition is much better than yesterday.

He doesn't know how cute he looks when he wakes up. The pajamas are left loose, revealing the edge of the light blue boxer briefs with a cute print, the buttons were closed tightly before bed, but when he woke up they were opened, exposing his chest, his pajamas collapsed on his shoulders and his hair was disheveled. .

Then he raised his hands and rubbed his eyes.

This scene is so cute that the eyes of the person looking at him didn't blink, but Phugun didn't even notice (because he's still rubbing his eyes), he dragged his body to the other side of the sofa, sat down, hugged his legs and rested his head on the sofa.

"What time is it?" The boy asked with a sleepy look.

"It's two in the afternoon, Phu has been sleeping for a long time."

If I had to count without counting, calling P'Cir and eating, phugun slept almost a whole day, but the aching body only responds with sleepy eyes, as if he could continue sleeping.

"Come here."

The tall man walked over and pulled Phugun against his chest, the boy remained in his dream state, only knowing that P'Cir's warm hand was around his shoulders, moving his hands to the button of his pajamas.

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