chapter 18: Pay back

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

Even if the heart beats fast, even if the face is warm, even if the corners of the lips smile, the tears still flow. Phugun has to raise his hand to wipe the tears again and again, wipe the left side and then the right side, and finally rubs his eyes with his hands. However, P'Cir hugs Phu and sits him on his lap.

His strong arms wrap around him, and his warmth comes over him in an instant. His little heart beats wildly and phugun hides his face in the other's broad chest. P'Cir says nothing simply slides his hand behind Phugun's back, stroking the Nong's soft hair. But precisely for this reason the one who is comforted becomes a child and buries his face deeper into the elder man's chest, sobbing

"Stop crying Phu! Stop crying!"

Phugun tries to calm down, but when the Nong raises his head, those wet eyes still have a pitiful look.

"S-. sorry P'Cir."

"Sorry for what?"

Don't use such a gentle tone P'Cir...

The Nong laments in his heart. He looks up, and through tear-filled eyes, he sees the concern on the other's face, so phugun shakes his head slightly.

"I do not know."

He doesn't know how he feels now. At first, he was very happy to hear the sound of dad's flute again, but then, seeing the senior's sweet eyes, his heart beats fast, and then his warm embrace turns into chaos.

At this moment, Phugun really doesn't know why he apologized. Maybe for crying or for soiling P'Cir's shirt with his tears, or for feeling special.

"So don't cry, okay??"

P'Cir gently takes Phugun's hand and wipes his cheek with his knuckles.

"Well.. I don't know."

But Phugun still answers softly, his cheeks and nose all red. He then raises his hand, wants to rub his eyes but is caught by P'Cir in time. Seeing this, Phugun switches to his left hand instead, but he's stopped again by the senior. At this moment, his big round eyes look up.

"I want to dry my tears."

"I won't let you dry them yourself."

Without letting go, P'Cir holds Phu, intertwining their fingers tightly, smiling.

"P'Cir let me go."


"I want to clean my face na."

Phugun Insists, looks at the hand grabbed angrily. Phugun is stunned, warm lips touch his eyes, his big and round eyes turn towards the owner of the lips, only to see the tip of his nose quickly rub his cheeks, and then close to his eyelids, causing his eyes to close.

P'Cir's mouth rests slightly, and he can clearly feel the warmth of his lips. After the kiss on the left side he turns to the right side, making Phugun's body tremble slightly.

The fragility in his heart disappears from the first touch. His hands unconsciously shake P'Cir's hand. His mood is like riding a roller coaster, and it reaches its peak the moment he opens his eyes. There is fire in the eyes of the person in front of him.


Phugun's mood is thrown from the highest point of the roller coaster when the warm lips approach again,and this his body trembles, chasing and licking until his hands sweat, his hands holding Cir's hand tighter.

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