chapter 13: If you are sick, you need a nurse

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

Phugun was confused and didn't know why the moment he saw P'Cir, he stretched out his arms to hug him. When P'Cir wrapped his arms around him, Phugun hugged him tightly.

He likes the feeling of burying his face in someone's shoulder when hugging, and also the strong touch on his back. All of this makes him a baby to that person.

All because P'Cir came looking for him and said he's a good boy. He blamed him for making him behave like this.

"Why did P'Cir take so long to come back?"

In fact, this was what he wanted to say to his mother but couldn't, instead he said it to this man. Phugun wasn't sure, because as everyone knows, he couldn't think straight due to the fever.

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to take so long."

"Phu isn't feeling well."

The person who said before that he wasn't sick said this in a tearful tone. He leaned over a little to see the other person's face clearly.

"I started getting a headache this morning. I took the medicine and it didn't help. I was out of breath and my chest hurt, and now it's getting worse. See, Phu's body is still warm."

The sick boy grabbed the older man's hand and pressed it against his cheek and neck, as if he was telling his father. He also told the oldest person what happened today.

"Today I fell asleep during class. I didn't know what I was writing in my notes and I couldn't understand it. So my friends told me to sleep. Phu got sick, but it's not that serious. I felt really guilty asking them to help me with my presentation. They each said they would help me with my part, but Phu felt very guilty. If I get a great grade, it's all thanks to them, and this report is worth 40% of the grade. Phu is dragging them down again.. I..."


When Phugun was about to cry, soft lips were imprinted with these sweet lips, swallowing the sound of sobs.

Although phugun was willing to ask his friends for help with the project, he simply feels guilty. He feels like he's putting another burden on them. Especially now that his body is not well, the more he thinks about what happened before, the more sentimental he feels. Tears began to accumulate in his big round eyes, but just as the tears were about to fall, he was trapped by this kiss and they didn't fall.

"It's a good feeling." The boy thought about it, looked into the piercing eyes and moved away a little.

"So good"

Because P'Cir is so close to him, every time he speaks, he wipes the other's lips. Phugun feels a little awkward because he doesn't want him to just touch his lips gently.


Perhaps it is because of the fever that the boy has the courage to whisper to the older man with a trembling voice

"Can Phi kiss Phu again?

He saw a flash of surprise in the other's eyes, because he reacted and pulled him, soft lips kissed him again. This kiss is different from the previous one.

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