chapter 27: Lies

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The Boy Next World คนละกาลเวลา by MAME

Cirrus X Phugun

In the afternoon, the sun is bright, Phu seems to be in a good mood, humming and walking towards the apartment building, thinking of someone's serious face, can't help but laugh out loud. At noon, phugun goes to the School of Management to find his boyfriend, he wants to go back to the apartment together, but the other answered him with an unhappy face.

"The teacher called me, can Phu wait for me?"

But P'Wim approached P'Cir.

"Don't ask Nong to wait, you will be scolded for a long time for sure, and this time I'm not going to help you, if you skip classes to take care of your boyfriend that's fine, but if you can't graduate on time, well, I don't have face your father."

Phugun knows that P'Cir doesn't care what his father thinks, but phugun himself doesn't want him to get into trouble, so he pushes Cir back.

"Phu can go home alone, P'Cir can go with P'Wim na, we can have dinner later."

Phugun knows how to deal with this ferocious-looking boy, because he only needs to look at P'Cir with his smile to make him give up. So Cir sighs and turns, and goes back to class without waiting for his friend, but the cold voice rings out once again.

"I will be back soon."

Thinking about what happened a few minutes ago, Phugun starts laughing. He can go back on his motorbike, he's worried that the car his mother bought for him hasn't been driven for a whole week, just parked there for decoration, because he has his own personal driver who wants to stay with him 24hours.

Phugun told Cir that it was okay to walk separately from time to time, even if the other just looked at him sadly, making him feel weak.

It's been a long time, they should part ways for a moment. That's what phugun thinks when he enters the shaded building, his eyebrow raising. He sees a familiar back.

"P'Zone, hi."

Phugun says hello to this short-haired boy who looks like his boyfriend, and he turns and smiles at him.

"Where is my brother?"

Zone turns and looks behind phugun and sees nothing, he frowns.

"The professor is talking to him, so I came back first"

"Oh, did he willing to do that?"

Zone asks amused, he's starting to get used to how his older brother always clings to this boy.

"He must be willing."

Phugun says shyly and quickly changes the subject.

"Does P'Zone have anything to say to P'Cir? I don't know when P'Cir will return, P'Wim said it will take a long time to talk to the teacher."

Nong turns and smiles at the apartment management staff.

"Hi, Phi"

"I didn't see you put the room card in here Phu."

Before because he was always careless, he passed his residence card to the management, but since someone entered his life and helped him remember everything, Phugun never again had the problem of not being able to enter the room. The management staff knows this too, they laugh and make fun of phugun, which makes phugun scratch his cheek.

Phi hands over a room card. "Looks like there's no need to keep it anymore."

"Is this the card from P'Cir's room?"

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