chapter 19

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Jennie's pov

me and lisa are cleaning the table, because we're already done eating our late lunch.

"lis, why aren't you staying with your mom?" i ask her while we're bringing the plates in the sink, she just look at me and was about to answer when aunt chittip came to us with two mug

"here girls, have some of my brewed coffee." after we put down the plates to the sink, we both took the mug and took a sip of it

"wow, this is really good. not too bitter, just the way i like aunt" i tell her with a smile and she smiled back while rubbing my back

"yeah, mom. i miss this" lisa said with a smile

"remember back when you're in highschool? you always ask me to make you this coffee cause you always have to stay up late to do your assignments" aunt chittip told us while rubbing lisa's back, that made lisa smile at her mom

"why do you always need to stay up late to do your homeworks?" i ask her and she and aunt looks at me with a smile. aunt chittip told me everything with teary eyes

"well, lalisa here needs to do a day shift and work just to support the both of us. back then i suffered from tuberculosis and she won't let me work cause back then we don't have enough money to buy some proper meds"

"oh" I'm speechless, ever since she's thoughtful and caring.

"she work to save some money to buy me some medicines, she didn't even saved some for herself. she always told me that she won't need it since she earned a scholarship and all of her things are still in good shape" aunt chittip continues too tell me young lisa's story, and there's lisa. scratching her nape as if she's embarrassed

"stop mom, it's embarrassing" and I'm right. lisa whine to aunt chittip that made her smack lisa's head

"hey! you should be proud! in 15 you're already working you skinny ass off just to give me everything that i need. thank you my dear" aunt told lisa and is about to cry

"no, mom. thank you" they both shared a smile and lisa was about to clean the plates herself when aunt chittip stopped her

"I'll do it, besides it's going to get dark soon. you guys need to go now" me and lisa both nodded at her and she escort us to the living room

"jisoo, stop making lizzie cry now. we need to go, Jennie's friend is probably near" lisa said to jisoo and look at me after with a smile

jisoo just sigh and grab Lizzie's hair to play with it witch made lizzie irritated again

" jichu! i said stop you know?" lizzie is now folding her arms and looks so cute

"fine fine, sorry lizziebunny. I'll buy you some toys the next time I'll visit here okay?" jisoo said while standing up, since she's sitting on the floor with lizzie on her lap

"you guys gonna go now lali?" lizzie asked looking at lisa while pouting. lisa answered with a nod and carried lizzie

"yes baby, we need to go. don't worry, lali will be back before you even miss me" lisa said while spinning around that made lizzie laugh

"okayy, buy me the bear that i really want okay?" lisa just nod and now it's Lizzie's time to look at me

"jenjie, take care of yourself and lali and jichu kim ok? you the most very nice and mature among the two of them" lizzie told me with a smirk, everyone in the room laugh while jisoo and lisa just pout

"it's jennie, baby" lisa told lizzie with a smile, and lizzie just shrugged

"it's alright, i like jenjie more" after i said that, lizzie proudly smiled at lisaa

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