chapter two

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The cup of coffe floating in front of my face jolts me from my trance, and I look up to see officer Parrish, one of dad's newest hires, watching me with a concerned look on his face. taking the coffee, I sit up straighter and smile at him.

"You brought me coffee?"

He shrugs, the worried look still on his face. "It looked like you needed it. I didn't know how you take it, so I just put some cream in it."

"Thanks." I take a sip of the warm brown liquid and sigh. I'm exhausted. The boys kept waking me up through the night, it's like they don't realize that some people have jobs they need to wake up to in the early hours of the morning. Well, I guess Scott does at least. He's been working at the veterinary clinic in town for a while now. Stiles, however, refuses to find a real job. I told him to check at the grocery store, because they're always hiring, but he says they can't handle his "talents," which propably means he made an offhand comment about someone and got in trouble. He does that a lot. it's not like he tries to, he's just not good at filtering his thoughts. Not that I'm any better. When I'm with people I feel comfortable around, I always say exactly what I think. When I'm with strangers, however, I'm better, but only because I have social anxiety, so I don't like to talk much anyway.
Realizing I've lost my train of thought, I look back at Parrish and see his growing concern is still painted plainly on his face.

"Sorry, did you say something?"

Stepping closer, he lowers his voice, "Is something wrong Detective? You've been off all morning." I technically studied to be a CSI, a crime scene investigator, but I prefer to work as a detective, so that's what the officers here call me.

I sigh again, rubbing my temples. I didn't realize I was so obvious. If my emotions are showing on my face, then I must be more tired than I thought.
"It's nothing. The boys woke me up around three-thirty this morning, and once I fel back asleep, I kept waking up every half-hour or so." I continue when he doesn't back down.

"Has this been happening a lot lately? You're usually so good at hiding them, so you must be exhausted if your emotions are showing on your face." I snort, finding it incredibly amusing that he's mimicking my thoughts from moments before, and doesn't even realize it.  

I set down the cup and swivel my chair so he can sit at his desk and doesn't have to stand at mine as I answer.
"Kind of. Scott's been really busy lately, so the only times they can hang out is after dinner, which usually happens at our house, since Melissa's at the hospital. I love them both to death, but I just wish they'd be a little quieter when I'm trying to sleep."

He nods, then tilts his head in confusion. "Melissa is Scott's mom, right? Is she sick?" Realizing that that's probably how it sounds to any one who doesn't know the McCall family, I shake my head.

"No, she's a nurse, a really good one at that. She works at Beacon Hills Memorial, and gets a lot of night shifts there."

"Why are neither of you working? This is a police department, not a night club." Deputy Haigh, an annoying man who spends most of hist time trying to prove that I don't deserve to work here and that I only got the job because my father is the sheriff, stands in front of my desk with his hands on his hips. I roll my eyes and swivel my chair back around as Parrish does the same. As a detective, even part-time, I rank above Haigh in the pecking order, but I don't feel like arguing with an idiot like him.

He continues to stare at me, until I look up and ask if I can help him. With one last glare at the man in the desk next to mine, he stalks off, most likely to go flex in frot of a mirror, or see how long it takes for his breath to peel the paint off a wall.
Haigh has been here for years, but hasn't risen above deputy. he's also the most hated person in our department. In return he hates every single one of us, especially Jordan Parrish, because he thinks he stole his sons job. Everyone knows that last year, when they needed a new officer from a different precinct, Haigh kept pressuring the sheriff to pick his son, Tom Haigh, who appeared to be as big an idiot as his father. When my dad chose Parrish instead, Haigh threw what could only be called a tantrum. Ironic that he hates me because he thinks my dad got me my job, when that's exactly what he was trying to do for his kid. 

Finally. I've been trapped at my desk all day, and I'm so relieved it's time to go home. I stand up and stretch, thinking about the case I was assigned. It's a simple B and E, but something about it feels, off, somehow. Like I'm missing something. I make a mental note to go check it out in person, needing to make sure I didn't miss anything. As I'm walking to the frotn I see Parrish, just exiting the mens room.
"Thanks for the coffee!" I call, raising the cup in a salute. He turns and smiles at me, and I release an inward sigh of relief, noting the worry from earlier is gone.
He heads to his desk to grab some paperwork, and I turn to leave. Hesitating for a moment I turn yet again.

"Oh, and Parrish?" He looks up in confusion, "Gingerbread latte."
With that, I grab my coat of the hook, and I'm gone.

A/N I hope you guys like this chapter, because when I was researching things about Parrish, I accidentally read spoilers about what he is. I've been determined not to find out until I see it happen in the show, but oh well. Now I'm majorly dissapointed. Thanks google.  For those who don't know, don't worry, I won't say anything.
Also, I have no idea what Haigh's real first name is, so I made one up. Let me know if you know his name, or if you just have a suggestion, I'd love to hear from you!

Anyways, hope you guys stay safe and healthy. Remember to drink water and take care of yourself! Love ya!

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