Happy Pride!

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Happy Pride month all you Queerios out there! I hope y'all stay safe and happy out there. Remember to always be ready to protect yourself at any Pride celebrations. I hate having to say that, but with the state of the world these days I feel I must. If you're like me, you've been seeing the staries in the news about people like you being attacked and even killed for being who they are, and you're scared to show anyone the truth. I know how scary it is, and I know that sometimes it is safer not to come out. And sometimes it feels scary to let people know the full truth abut you. I've told my friends that I'm not Heterosexual, but there are other aspects of myself and my identity that I am scared to tell even my closest friends about.

Pride month is about celebrating who you are and being proud of it, but under no circumstance should you feel forced to come out as if you owe it to someone. You owe nothing to anybody. I know there's pressure around this time to come out and be loud, and that's great if you feel safe doing that, but your safety and comfort should always come first. I've had the blessing of an accepting and loving close family, but I have lost a lot of people that I loved because of who I am. People I considered to be second families and best friends. It shouldn't have to be like this, we shouldn't have to be scared of losing people once we tell them our truths. Hopefully some day soon we won't have to live in fear, but until then I hope you know that even if you can't come out to your families or friends I am here and I will always accept you.

If you need someone to come out to or just to talk to I am here. I know I sound like a rip off All Might, but it's true. I won't always respond right away, but I will try my best, and even if you don't need a response and just need somewhere to let it out, my conversations are always open.

Have a happy Pride and stay safe and hydrated. Love you all!- Rum.

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