Chapter five

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I am going to bite somebodies head off. It's currently three in the afternoon, and I'm exhausted. I haven't slept in days, and I desperately need to, but the full moon is tonight, which means that, yet again, I won't get any sleep. Fictional stories always paint being a supernatural being as something amazing, as if it makes your life better, when in reality, you get hunted just for being alive, and loose weeks of sleep. Someone knocks on my desk and I whirl around, teeth bared, and glare at whomever the fuck it was that decided it was a good idea to interupt me. Parrish stands in front of me, holding out a cup with a very familiar scent. I snatch the gingerbread latte out of his hands and take a huge swallow. With the caffeine in my system waking me up I no longer feel the need to kill everyone around me, and I soften my stance. Instantly, half the room relaxes, and I laugh internally. Realizing Parrish is still standing at my desk, I thank him profusely and down the rest of the latte.

"It looked like you could use some caffeine, and I remember you said this was your favorite, so I thought I'd go on a coffee run. I had them add three extra shots of caffeine, but maybe I shouldn't have." I see him eyeing my cup, realizing that maybe the reason I can't sleep is tied to my coffee intake. It's not, obviously, but it's sweet that he's concerned.

"No, it's fine, I usually have them add extra shots anyway, maybe that's why I can't sleep." I say laughing, knowing it's easier if I just play along.

"Is it the case?" He's referring to the B&E case I mentioned earlier. I nod, turning to my research to flip through the files. I went to check it out, but I didn't find anything, which is odd. Usually in any case at all, there's a scent of the perpetrator, but there's nothing here, literally nothing. No scent, even from the owner of the building, or the cops who investigated. What with this case, and now the murder, it's obvious something is going on here, and I don't like it.


Opening the fridge, I pull out the last of the fish. As I'm about to put it in the pan, I get a notification on my phone, reminding me of what I need to do tonight. Looking longingly at my delicious dinner, I sigh and shove my phone in my back pocket. Deciding to eat it later, I put the fillet back into the bag and shove it into the backpack I keep for days like this, known as my "Full moon bag" and check that I have everything, then grab my helmet and keys off the front table. Every full moon I head out into the woods surrounding Beacon Hills. Stopping at the Mccall's house, I head inside to grab my charge. Ten minutes later, we finally escape the house, armed with cookies fresh from the oven, courtesy of Melissa. I swear, on the days she's off, she turns into a baking machine. At least, when she's gotten enough sleep. The Mccall family is a family ofsweethearts. Melisa is one of the most protective mothers I've known, and I've known a lot, Scott is the kindest sophomore at Beacon Hills High (and the biggest idiot), and Scotch, the youngest, is a shy, but sweet girl. She's also the only supernatural in the Mccall family, and every full moon I take her for a "sleepover" which takes place at the lake in the middle of the woods, that not many people know exists. The lake is very important for our monthly get togethers, because Scotch is a siren.

When we make it to our destination, Scotch takes off her sweatshirt, revealing a turquise bikini, and steps to the edge of the edge of the lake. Watching her transform is one of my favorite parts of our night together. Scotch is an Oarfish siren, which is a very rare subspecies. Scotch is two years younger than Scott, and shortly after Melissa found out she was pregnant, Raphael took them on a cruise, where she fell into the water rescuing Scott, (Like I said, idiot), and nearly drowned. Nobody's entirely sure how she survived, only that she washed up on shore a few hours later, but something clearly happened, because most babies aren't born with fins.

Scotch crouches at the waterline and arches her back as huge red fins emerge from her back, followed by blue scales covering everyinch of her lower body as her skin turns the same shade of blue. Her legs slowly mesh together and elongate until she's got a twenty foot tail, with a red fin flowing off the top of it. Her hair turns the same red as her fins, while her eyes turn pure white. Finally her ears change into a weird sort of flowery shape, with little antenna stretching off them, and she slithers into the water. Oarfish are typically deep sea fish, and the mermaid versions of them are no different, but this lake is deeper then anybody knows, and since she only transforms once a month, she manages just fine.

While she swims around in the deep, I pull the fish out of it's bag, then leave it on the ground as I climb a tree to hide my pack. Shoving it into a small nook in the trunk of the tree, I pull my clothes off and jump, shifting in midair. I land on all three paws, and scarf the fish down raw, before going carefully to the edge of the water to drink. While she's practically my sister in her human form, Scotch hasn't mastered control in her shifted form, and she'll eat me if she spots me. Luckily, she's busy hunting now, and it's safe for me to drink. Catching a glimpse of myself, I turn my head and study my reflection. Black fur with spots of red covers my form, with a huge bushy tail extending off my flank.
I'm a melanistic fox. Technically, my species are known as Gumihos, but I rarely use my Kitsune form, preferring the feel of an actual fox body. Seeing a flash of red coming closer in the water, I decide it's time to leave, and dart away into the forest.

A/N sorry if this is bad, I was rushed. Stay safe out there, kits! -Rum

A Fox from Beacon HillsWhere stories live. Discover now