Chapter ten

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Author's note: before we start the chapter, I know I already said it in my conversations but I'd like to thank Breaking_Dawn01 for all their support! While I don't exactly know what voting for a chapter means, it feels good to know that you enjoyed the chapters. Hope you like the rest! Now on with the show! "I fink it's already stawting." - Some random child on kids snippets.

I awaken to a strange feeling. A knowledge that somewhere, something is wrong. I sit still for a second, perking my ears before recalling that I actually remembered to take my hearing aids out tonight. I leap off the bed, landing lightly on my paws as I shift back to human. I grab them off my dresser and shove them in, barely managing to turn them on before I shift again. Unlike most supernatural creatures, I'm not forced to shift on full moons, but when I'm not in fox form those nights my skin itches like hell. It feels how I imagine snakes must feel before shedding. I jump onto the windowseat, curling my tail around my paws as I listen. I don't know what it was, but I know something is off. Suddenly, I know. Lifting my nose to the sky, I take a long breath to confirm. I am alone in this house.

Dad told my earlier that he wouldn't be here (Something about half of a body found in the woods?), but Stiles should be here. Unfortunately, my nose alerts me to the fact that he isn't. I can smell him getting farther away,  moving across town to Scott's house. Annoyance radiates from me, irritated at the fact that he never listens. I smell their scents mingling and moving towards the woods. Goddammit Stiles, the body? Really?

I sit there for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do. On the one hand; I'm exhausted and I need a lot of sleep, but on the other; my brother is an idiot who will definitely get himself in trouble of some sort. But he is with Scott, and Scott is a thousand times more trustworthy than my brother. I decide to let it go, staying near the window so if something happens I'll be awoken in an instant.

A howl wakes me, causing me to leap upright, fur sticking straight up. My ears swivel forward and I wait. Searching desperately, I breathe a sigh of relief when I catch my brother's scent, unharmed but scared. Scott's scent is no longer near him, and a trace of blood blends with the fear in his smell. But I don't have time to worry about that, because there's another presence. It's familiar, but I can't place it, which means it's either changed or it's been ages since I last smelled it. All I can tell is that it's a wolf, and it's dangerous.

Maybe I shouldn't have had Tart-face take Scotch tonight. He'll protect her, obviously, but it left his territory completely open, and it seems like whatever this is has been waiting for that. 

I leap from the window, shifting right before I hit the tree and grab onto a branch, slowing myself before I faceplant into the trunk. I propel myself out the tree, flying through the air yet again. Gods I feel like a character in a b-rated superhero who just flips around to look fancy. I slip silently down the street, trying not to be seen by anyone who might be looking out their window right now. Foxes are about as welcome on my street as coyotes are on the Tate's property.

Once I'm safely down the street, I break into a run. I can feel my brothers' fear saturate the air, along with one of their blood, pushing me faster then I've run in a while.

I'm moving so fast the wind pushes my ears back into my skull, making it impossible for me to hear the car speeding toward me until it's too late.

Author's note: yet again, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update! I've been trying to write, but my mind has been more focused on Maximum Ride and Supernatural. I'll try to be better about it in the future. Stay safe! - Rum.

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