Chapter six

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It's nearly nine by the time Scotch surfaces from the water and shakes herself dry. I've been in human form for hours now, working on my laptop, using her sweatshirt as a pillow for my lap. Unlike Scotch and most wolves, I have complete control over myself what form I take.
My species was originally known as the Kumiho, or the Gumiho, a Korean nine-tailed fox spirit that can turn into beautiful women to seduce (and then kill) humans, typically young men, and eat them. Some legends said we had to have sex to steal their life force and stay young, but others said that having sex would make us human, so who knows. But that was a long time ago, and like every species, we evolved. Slowly becoming more human like, losing the parts of us that needed human flesh to survive, though if we're severely injured or dying, eating it will heal us and give us extra strength and power for some time. Unlike my ancestors, when I'm human, there's nothing about me that gives me away besides my scent. I can choose between my fully human form, my fox form, or my Kitsune form. It's obviously different then an actual Kitsune's form, but that's just what I call it. When I'm in that form, I have two fox ears on the top of my head as well as my regular human ones, nine tails, claws, and paws instead of feet. I'm also a few inches taller in that form. If I've recently gained more power, My face becomes more fox-like, and my eyes change between amber and pure black.
There are different ways I can gain power. I can eat people, like I said before, or I can absorb their knowledge and part of their soul by using my yeowoo guseul, Fox Marble, while I kiss them. My yeowoo guseul is a marble that holds all of my essence. Some say if a human eats one they gain our knowledge, and in some cases, our power. It sits at the base of my throat, right at my suprasternal notch, only coming out when I use it.
If I lose my Fox Marble, and don't get it back in three months, I'll die.

There are other differences between me and my ancesters, such as the fact that I'm not Asian. Other than my monolid eyes and black hair, I have tan skin, heart shaped lips, and I look more like Stiles and my dad than my Korean ancestors. Even my eyes, beside the monolids, look like theirs with their light hazel coloring.

While I call my human self my true form it's technically not. My true form is a giant demon fox that's so powerful I can only access it once. There used to be hundreds of thousands of us, but now I might be the only one left.

A fish slapping me in the head brings me back to the present and I squint up at the young siren standing impatiently in front of me. She waits as I pack up my stuff and stand, before shoving the fish she'd picked back up into my hands. I push it back, but she refuses to back down until I accept it from her.

"You haven't been eating." I open my mouth to respond, but she's right. I haven't been eating nearly enough lately. I've been to busy with work and random things to hunt, and eating humans cooked, mostly fake, food doesn't sustain me like it oes humans. I can eat it, but if I only eat that for more then a few days, I get really sick. Luckily, we've had raw fish in our garage, but I've been rationing it out, and it's not nearly enough.
Taking the fish, I eat it in seconds, then gag the bones back up. I hold them out to her, grinning, but she doesn't laugh like she usually does. She just glares.

"You need to take care of yourself. If you don't, you'll get sick again, and a lot of people will be upset. I know you think you need to help everyone else, and save yourself for last, but if you don't start hunting soon, I'll stage an intervention with You-Know-Who."
I throw the bnes at her, laughing at her threat of bringing Derek into this.

"You wouldn't dare, he'd bite your head off." I hadn't realized how worried she's been. It might not seem like a big deal to most people, including me, but Scotch needs me. It's no wonder she was worried. If I was to die, she'd be left on her own on the full moon, and no one would be there to protect her from the world. Or from herself. Before I drop her off at her house, I grab her hand, and promise to take better care of myself. She's right. If I allow myself to get weak, I won't be prepared for the battle to come.

And Goddess knows the battles that are coming.

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