Chapter eleven

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The headlights illuminate my face as I turn to stare at the oncoming vehicle, trying to see how much time I have before impact. I twist my body, shifting as much of my body as I can without the people driving seeing, trying to lessen the hit. The car slams into my ribs, and I would have screamed if I could have. Instead I let out a yelp, tumbling away from the highway as the car swerves away, but doesn't stop. Vaguely, I hear a woman's voice inside saying something about how I'm the second thing they've hit tonight. Her voice sets my fur on edge, and every instinct in my body is telling me to ignore the pain currently eating me alive and just get as far away from her as fast as possible. I use my arms to pull myself away from the road, whimpering in pain as my body starts shifting back and forth, unable to decide which form causes less pain.

I curl up in a tree hollow, forcing myself to stay in fox form as I howl, letting my pain and fear twist into it, telling Derek I needed help now. I can feel my bones trying to heal themselves, but something's stopping them. Doing a quick search of my body, I note several broken ribs, bruises all over my body, at least one rib poking out, and along my torso there's a burning sensation, almost as if.... You've got to be fucking kidding me. The bumper was painted with silver?! Who the ever-loving FUCK paints their car bumper with pure silver?! That explains why my injuries aren't healing, as well as the blackness creeping into my vision.
I hear his answering howl, and feel a sense of calm warring with the fear. As long as Derek makes it in time, I'll be fine. But what about Stiles?

Suddenly remembering why I was out here in the first place, I struggle to my paws, trying to find my brothers scent in the air, but all I can smell is my own blood pooling beneath me. I try to take a step, but fall to the ground instead, a cry of pain escaping my mouth.

Dimly, I hear Derek's bark of concern, his panic evident in his tone, but I can't even lift my head anymore. I'm in too much pain to do anything but lie there, gasping for breath that no longer seems like enough, fighting to keep my lungs working.

As he continues calling for me, I close my eyes, hoping that, somehow, he'll find me in time.

A Fox from Beacon HillsWhere stories live. Discover now