Chapter eight

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Content warning: Mention of rape. Please read carefully and protect your mental and physical health.

I stand in front of the sheriff's desk, hands vibrating lightly to shake my anxiety out, and wait. He stares at me for a while, unmoving, as my mind races, trying to figure out what this could be about. My hands want to move faster, to shake it all away, but in order to look professional, I still them. When he finally speaks, it comes as a relief.

"Do you know why I brought you in here?" What is he, a principal?

"No, sir."

He slides a folder across the desk and I pick it up, understanding it's about the victim, but not why they needed me here. As I flip it open,  I see the picture clipped to the corner and my heart stops. I glance up at Sheriff Stilinski, mouth parted in shock. He nods at my reaction and stands.

"She was found earlier this morning by a child on a walk with her mother. She has most of the same wounds as the first victim, and was found about an hour away from where he was found."

"Wait, they've already had time for forensics to do a full investigation? How long have you known about this?" He sends a disapproving glance my way at my tone, and I stop. He knows I want specific times. I want to know how long they knew and decided not to tell me.

"Since around six this morning." He's not telling the whole truth. I know somewhere in the paperwork it gives out exactly when the call was, and how long it took an officer to get there. The fact that he's not giving an exact time means that he doesn't want me to know how long he's known.

"Why wasn't I informed immediately? Who handled forensics?"

"I had Jameson handle that, since it's supposed to be his job. I know he might not have a perfect track record, but he can still handle it adequately enough."

"Not the best track record! He mislabeled the sperm found on a rape victim and let the perpetrator get away! He barely passed the exams, he shouldn't even have this job, even Haigh can do his job better than he can! I should have been called immediately. I know it's supposed to be my day off, but I don't understand why I wasn't told of something this impor-"

"You know why, Aurelia!" The words explode out of him, and I flinch, ears pinning against my skull.

"Look at that picture and ask me again why you weren't involved! Look at her, Aurelia, she looks exactly like you!" He's right. I stare at the picture, knowing he's right. her long black hair frames a face nearly identical to my own. Other than the fact that her eyes are so dark they look black, And she doesn't have the small mole on her top lip, she could be me. A small noise escapes from the sheriff, and I glance up, eyes widening as I take in the tears that have filled his own. Oh, Dad. A move toward him, but he holds up a hand to stop me as he clears his throat.

"You weren't supposed to be here today. I made sure they knew not to call you, so who did?"

"Haigh." I answer immediately. He must have wanted to piss Sheriff off, because otherwise, Haigh should have known that disrespecting the sheriff's orders could get him in loads of trouble.

"Of course. I'll speak to him later, as for now, I want you home." He holds up his hand again effectively stopping me before I can get my protests out.
"Don't argue with my today, please. I need you to stay home until we can figure out who it is killing people."

"I'll stay home for three days, but that's it. Until there's more victims who look like me, it doesn't make sense to treat it like they're after me. it's like you say, "one's an accident, two's a coincidence, three's a pattern." as far as we know, it's the first."

I can see he wants to argue, but he knows I'm right, just like I know he just doesn't want to lose another person. And I know I won't let that happen. Before I'm even out of the station I've made uo my mind to find the person doing this before any officer does. Find them, and kill them.

Hey kits, Rum here, Sorry if there's more spelling errors in this chapter, I was feeling very overstimulated today, and decided to write to get my mind off everything, so I was just sort of writing everything on my mind, and then re-writing it, so sorry. Feel free to point out anything wrong you notice! I will also randonly be going back to past chapters and adding or changing things, so if you're reading and see something that contradicts what you've already read, chances are I've changed it to fit the story better. Also, We made it past a hundred views! Thank you guys so much! I'll do my best to make this a story worth your time! Stay safe out there kits- Rum

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