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Still not an update, sorry! I promise you I am working on it, but inspiration strikes at different times. Currently my mind has me working on several other books, including the sequel to this one which is why I'm here. Just thought I'd let you know that you should enjoy the happiness in these first chapters, because it only goes downhill from here. Y'all are going to be emotionally unprepared for the feels in the second book.

Also, I should mention that while this book takes place during the first season of teen wolf, there will be vast differences between the two, because I can't remember everything and also I want to put my own twist on it, so it may annoy people. There will also be a lot of instances where I will show Aurelia's childhood trauma because, as you know if you've read any of my other books, most of my characters have a lot of trauma and I'm not one to shy away from discussions of it, so just be aware.

If you have any questions or just want to say how much you hate this, comments are always welcome! But be aware, if you write anything homophobic, rascist, or degrading toward any group of people in any way, you will be banned and I will report you.

Also, unrelated to this, but which sentance do you like better?
"Standing in front of her is a man who looks to be in his early twenties, with a head of onyx colored hair tied back with a strap of leather. A few chunks of hair falling out to frame walnut colored skin and pale apple green eyes."


"A few chunks of Onyx colored hair falling out of the leather strap holding them back, to frame walnut colored skin and pale, apple green eyes."

I'm trying to decide which one works better for another one of my books.

Stay safe, and I'm sorry for the wait! -Rum.

P.S. Just ignore me acting like people care that the book isn't updating, I just like to pretend people like it. Bye! -Aurellia.

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