chapter four

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I park at the edge of the trees, opting to walk the rest of the way to the house. Looking up at the building, my heart clenches. I can still remember when it was full of life and light, noise always bouncing off the walls, but now it's dark, empty. Only one person lives in this decaying house now, the person I came to see. It's nearly two o'clock in the morning, but I know he's still up. It's a full moon tommorrow, which means, like me, he's been having insomnia for the last few days, and today is no different. The curtains flick shut on one of the top windows, and I know he's seen me. Reaching the porch, I don't go up, standing instead at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for the werewolf to make his way down. He appears without a sound, one second I'm alone, and the next he's here. I can smell his anger, I know he prefers to be alone, but I can also smell curiosity. He wants to know why I'm here. The door creaks open a few seconds later, but he doesn't come out. I roll my eyes and wait. Derek fucking Hale, a.k.a. the most dramatic wolf in California. I look away for a second, investigating a noise, and when I look back, he's appeared in the doorway. You see what I mean? So fucking dramatic. He glowers at me for a minute before moving onto the porch.

"What do you want." He doesn't say it as a question.

"Is that any way to great an old friend?" I ask, grinning as he shifts in annoyance. He rubs his hand across his face, exhaustion present in his profile.

"It's one in the morning Aurelia, you'll forgive me if I'm not excited to see you. Now, what do you want?" Like he's ever excited to see me. The day I see Derek Hale excited about anything is the day toast no longer tastes best when covered in butter. That reminds me, I haven't eaten in nearly twenty-four hours, and I'm starving. I wonder if we have any fish at home. I should stop by the store just in case, but how many fillets should I get? Wait, is the Costco even open right now? It shouldn't be, I think I read that it closes around nine. Dammit I really want salmon right now.
"Aurelia Tófa Corona, are you seriously zoning out right now?" The annoyance and use of my full name grabs my attention back from it's rabbit hole of food.

I stare at him for a second, trying not to show the pain hearing my name causes me. I breathe deep and remember why I came here in the first place.

"They found a body in Norco." He raises an eyebrow, Unimpressed.

"They find bodies all the time, what does this one have to do with me?"

"The official statement is that it's a ritualistic cult sacrifice. You know California is famous for her cults."

"And the non-official?"

I sigh, running my hand throught my hair, trying to figure out the best way to approach this with him. In the end, I decide to just go for it.

"Hunters. They left the body as a message, they want us to know they're coming. That's why I came tonight, to warn you to get out. We still have time, if you get out tonight, the chances are they won't find you." He doesn't ask if I'm sure, because he knows I am. He might act like he doesn't care for me, but he trusts me. He knows what I've been through, just as I know what he's been through. If I say it's hunters, he knows it's hunters. He pushes off of the pillar he'd been leaning on and moves down the steps toward me.

"What about you?" I stare at him. He knows what I'm going to do, and I know he hates it.
"Ari, no-"

"I have to! I can't just leave them here!" He lunges toward me, grabbing my arms to hold me in place as he shouts at me.

"You have to leave, Aruelia! Why the fuck would you stay?!"

"Because I have a family to protect! I have a life here! I have to stay, but you need to leave!"

"If you're staying, I'm staying." He holds his hand up, stopping me mid protest.

"I might not have much of a life here, or a family, but I'm not going to run away, tail between my legs and let them win. And I'm not going to leave you." He says the last part quietly, and he lets go of me as he turns back to the house. It's obvious this conversation is over, but I stand there, shocked by what I heard. He's not going to leave, is he insane?! As much as his determination irritates me, I also understand. This house of his has been in the family for years, it's where he was born, and this town is his territory. Leaving it now would be like rolling over onto his back, showing the hunters his submission. As to the other part, we've been the only ones the other's had for years. it would be weird not to see each other on the night of the full moon.

Walking back to my motorcycle, I turn and stare at the mansion, sadness clenching my heart as I remember how I couldn't protect the family who called it home. Shoving my helmet on, I make a decision. I will protect my skulk, no matter the cost.

A/N Sorry if the dialog is bad, I'm still new at this, but it will hopefully get better! Please rate the chapter if you liked it (I'm not really sure what rating does, but I think it's good?) Or leave a comment if you'd like! Stay safe- Rum

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