chapter nine

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My lights flashing brings my attention back to the real world. I'm standing in the middle of my room, in front of what Stiles used to call a "murder wall", red yarn connecting every piece of evidence I've managed to collect, from the second victims photo, to news reports six years ago of bodies found mutilated with the same MO as the killer this time. I also have a clear whiteboard set up with my scribbled writing, musings of why the hunters could be back, why they left the first as a warning, and is that a fish taco recipe? My stomach growls, and a glance at the clock shows me I haven't eaten in nearly a day. I turn to the doorway, to get food before I forget again, and realize that Stiles is still standing there, two plates in his hand, and a confused expression on his face as he studies my research. I grab a plate and sit on my bed. He follows me, grabing a forkfull of some leftover casserole from Melissa. As he chews, he points at the pictures and signs with his free hand, "I thought Dad told you not to work on the case." I put my hearing aids in {I usually take them out when I'm focusing on something for long periods of time, otherwise I get a headache} and turn them on, wincing at the auditory onslaught of my brothers aggressive chewing.

"He told me not to come to the station, he didn't tell me specifically not to work on it. And, wait, how do you know about that?" He grabs another huge bite not even the least bit ashamed as he answers;

"He was talking about it on a call with someone. Are you going to tell him about you theories?" I laugh before biting into a soft roll on my plate.

"You really shouldn't listen to other peoples phone calls. And no, are you insane? If he finds out I'm working on this, he'll destroy me!"

He snorts a laugh, choking on the food as he does so, and I collapse back onto my bed laughing "with my whole might" as Dad says. He came up with that little phrase when I watched Madagascar the first time. {Hoover dam!}

After we've pulled ouselves together and finished our meals, Stiles grabs the dishes and gets up to leave. He hesitates in the doorway and turns to me.

"Seriously though Ari, I'm not going to tell him you're working on this, but stay safe please? I don't- I don't want to lose another person." And with that, he's gone.

I forget sometimes that he's still just a kid. A kid who's still traumitized by the loss of his mother. Turning back to my research, I wonder if maybe I should just stop, to let the police handle this, but I know they'll never find the culprit if I don't help. And besides, it's not just me who's in danger, I also have Derek to worry about. And Peter might currently be in a coma, but the hunters could still go after him. I need to find the hunters, and soon.

Two weeks later it's official. I'm no longer allowed to work on the case or even leave the house without someone with me. The've found two other victims who look like me. Dad says I'm working from home untile they find the person, or people, who are doing this. He even tried to set up a rotating guard around the house, but I convinced him not to. The station needs every person they can get at this point. He's not the only paranoid person around me. Scotch texts every hour and if I don't respond she bursts through the door holding her mom's bat, ready to defend with her life. Stiles and Scott have been keeping watch outside of my door everynight for the past week, but they don't know I know about that. I've even smelled a certain sourwolf around the perimeter of our house, as he does his rounds every night. It's sort of flattering, but at the same time, I no longer have space to do my research. I've had to hide my murder wall since Dad almost walked in on me working on it, and if I leave the house for any long period of time, everyone freaks out. I was in the library for about three hours the other day, {Texting Scotch so she wouldn't freak out} and when I cam out of the bathroom, Stiles was shoving through crowds of people, trying to find me. He yelled at me for about twenty minute after that, as if he wasn't the fucking creep who was stalking me.

Since I can't leave for the full moon, I've had to ask Derek to take Scotch. She can't make it out there on her own, and she hasn't been able to control the change. Hopefully, Melissa will be working late, and won't realize her daughter left the house with a stange man.

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