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- Saturday -

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- Saturday -

My head was laying on Bender's lap, he was playing with my hair - having taken it out of its bun form to play with it. I was almost falling asleep, feeling safe as he whispered sweet nothing to me.

"Is your father actually like that?" I asked after a while of silence, his hand going still in my hair as I opened my eyes slowly to stare at him.

"Yeah..." He mumbled, looking away from me as I tugged gently on his shirt. Bender looked down at me, his hair falling in front of his eyes as I gently pushed a strand back.

"You're so goddamn beautiful." He whispered lowly, so lowly that I wasn't sure if I was meant to hear it.

"Want to get high?"

"You had some hooch this whole time? Fucking asshole." I said, feeling a bit betrayed as he helped me get up from our seats. His fingers were intertwined with mine, holding me flush against his body as we made our way down the stairs.

Bender told everyone we were going on a little stroll, which somehow turned into an episode of Scooby-Doo. I don't get why everyone decided to join, but Claire decided to get in between John and I, making our hands drop. Bitch.

"How do you know where Vernon went?" Claire questioned, her hand brushing every once in awhile with Bender's as I tried not to snap her neck.

You're not dating. You're not dating. You're not dating. You're not dating. You're not dating.

You. Are. Not. Dating.

I keep chanting in my head, not listening to Brian until he taped me on the shoulder. I was practically burning holes into the redhead's skull from how harshly I was glaring at her.

You're not dating. You're not dating. He can talk with whoever he wants. He can flirt with her.

Is homicide really that bad? Is 20 to life really that long? You're not dating. You're not dating.

"What's the point in going to Bender's locker?" Brian questioned, rubbing his hands against one another and trying not to grab

"It's kind of important"

"This is so stupid...Why do you think- why are we risking getting caught?" Brian stated, obviously freaking out as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Like you don't enjoy the thrill of being bad. I know you Bri." I said as his cheeks turned a dark shade of red from embarrassment. Cutie.

We finally got to Bender's locker, all of us watching a converse get guillotined when he opened his locker.

"Slob!" Andrew stated, and I couldn't help but agree. I know John doesn't care about his locker or his appearance but that's some next level criminal shit.

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