twelve| table

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- Saturday -

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- Saturday -

We were all sitting at our own table, some drawing, others talking while I was playing with Bender's cigarette pack. No one was really paying that much attention to what was going on around us, not until the ceiling collapsed at the top of the library.

"What the fuck?!" I said with a frown as Bender walked down the stairs, a huge grin plastered on his face as if nothing happened.

"I forgot my pencil." He said while I raised an impressed eyebrow at him. He'll never cease to amaze me, but I'm never telling him that. Inflated head.

As Bender was walking smuggly towards me, everyone heard Vernon in the hall walking with some kind of fury in his steps. Bender practically threw himself under Andrew and Claire's table as I stifled a snort.

"God damnit! What in God's name is going on in here?" Vernon screeched while entering the library as if fire was under his ass. He was so red, he kind of reminded me of those ugly red sea creatures.

Lobsters, I think? Meh, too fancy for me.

"What was that ruckus?" Dick said with even more conviction as I eyed Bender under the table. Laying on the dirty ground as if he was dead.

Fucking dork.

"Uh, what ruckus?" Andrew questioned.

"I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus!"

"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Andrew asked again, his hands playing with each other as I glanced at my own hands. I played with the pin Bender gave me, stabbing the pad of my thumb with the pin to draw blood.

You have issues, B.

"Watch your tongue young man, watch it!"

Vernon shouted while I rolled my eyes. My vision went towards Bender who was under Claire's table, his head banging against the table as he let out a groan. I tried to stifle a laugh when Andrew and Claire tried to take credit for the noise by making even more noise. Idiots.

"What is that? What, what is that, what is that noise?"

My eyes stayed glued on Bender, the boy still rubbing his head with a scowl before watching as his face disappeared between Claire's legs.



"What noise?" Andrew asked.

"Really, sir, there wasn't any noise." Claire added with a squeal before she squeezed Bender's head between her knees. The rest of the group coughing to cover up his groans.

"That noise? Was that the noise you were talking about?" Claire asked in an innocent tone of voice that had me rolling my eyes in annoyance. For some reason her voice fucking irks me and creates a burning rage inside of me.

My arms were crossed over my chest, my eyes burning holes into Bender's head as his eyes finally met mine. My jaw clenched as he sent me a small wave, smiling sheepishly at me.


"No, it wasn't. That was not the noise I was talking about. Now, I may not have caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will." Vernon threatened, causing Allison to chuckle and laugh at his statement. We all knew it was bogus but he likes to pretend he's a big shot in front of us.

"You make book on that missy!" He pointed at Allison.

"And you! I will not be made a fool of!" He added to Claire who straightened her posture.

When Vernon left, everyone began laughing but I wasn't. For some reason I had this burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. I didn't like it one bit, especially when I saw the lazy smirk he sent Claire, who by the way was bright fucking red.

"It was an accident!"

"You're an asshole!" She mumbled.

"So sue me."

Bender made his way towards Brian and I's table, his chains clanging at his every step as I took a deep breath. I stabbed the pin further into my skin before deciding I had to stop putting blood on my jeans.

Instead, I placed my headphones on my ears, blasting Black Sabbath so loudly I could've burst my eardrums. I didn't care though.

"So, Ahab...Kybo Mein Doobage?" Bender asked Brian who gave him his bag of marijuana without a second thought. Bender stayed at our table for a few more minutes, his body almost pressed against mine as I looked forward with a straight expression.

Why are you so fucking defensive? And jealous? You barely know the fucking kid.

"Come smoke with me?" He questioned, pulling my headphone a bit so that I could hear him.

"Don't touch me."

"What's wrong with you?" He asked while I swatted his hand away from my face. He placed it on my shoulder, squeezing a bit before motioning me to follow.

And like the fucking pussy that I am, I followed. I can't say no to free weed offered by cute boys.

Fucking pussy! Who have you become? Should've knocked his ass out.

How can he say all of that to me and then put his head between another bitch's legs?

Annoying ass.

"Yo waistoids, you're not gonna blaze up in here!" Andrew said while I heard chairs scrapping the floor and feet following behind us.

"Split with me, B?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way, Bri." I teased with a small smirk, ignoring Bender who looked at us with frowned eyebrows.

I didn't care though.

"I thought we'd share instead." Bender whispered in my ear, taking a seat next to me on the couch. His arm was hanging over my shoulders as I rolled my eyes.

"You can share with cherry over there. I'm not interested in having your mouth on my blunt." I snapped, shoving his arm off of me as he slowly nodded his head at me.

"Ouch. I guess I deserve that."

"Suck a dick, asshole."

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