chapter 1

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it's dark... i still can't open my eyes 'where am i' something happened i can't remember what... something about a sage? no a great sage the voice sounded lifeless like a computer when you put on the auto speech function.

that was enough to jog my mind again i saved tamura from being attacked by a random street slasher... i saw his face but i don't remember why it looks familiar but i know i have seen it before.. i'm Satoru mikami a 42 year old... VIRGIN!! NOO!
ok ok no need to panic everything is under control ok lets try and figure out my situation tight now.
Satoru: (ok so it seems i can't open my eyes... or hear anything... or smell anything!) Satoru thought each thought making him panic more than the last he didn't feel hot or cold at all.

after a few hours or maybe minutes who knows Satoru had only 1 conclusion... he was a slime he didn't want to accept it but he had remembered what that lifeless voice told him while he was dying every word though he didn't understand it fully he thought of it as a game or isekai manga that he use to read as a kid.

Satoru: (it has been 90 days... 90 lonely days i had been eating grass to pass the time even a few rocks i think so far nothing has attacked me but i have accepted my new life as a slime... slife?) Satoru thought to himself while dragging himself across the ground it took roughly 30 minutes to get to the closet patch of grass witch was inconvenient for Satoru as he thought if a enemy found him he would die shortly after the encounter due to his slow movement.

Satoru: (i wonder where all this grass is going... i don't think i have a rear end, do i?)
great sage: <answer: everything master is absorbing is going straight to the stomach of the unique skill [predator] current space used 0.31%>
Satoru: (woah a voice... wait... are you that voice that talked to me while i was dying) satoru thought they sounded similar but something was off he couldn't tell what it was though
Great sage: <answer: incorrect, the voice you heard was the voice of the world i and your unique skill [Great sage]>
Satoru: (ok then what is the [predator] skill?) satoru says curious but not expecting much
Great sage: <answer: unique skill [predator]'s main functions are predation, analysis, stomach, mimicry, isolate>
Satoru: (i see... i don't get it but ok) great sage had explained in great detail about each fucntion to satoru who was still oblivious to how powerful these skills are.

for awhile satoru had asked Great sage many things like functions of his skills and even used the hipoke herbs until 'plop'
Satoru: (hmm, did something happen... wait did i just fall into water! this was such a short slife!)
Great sage: <answer: as a slime you do not have the need of breathing as slimes live of the magicules in the air>
Satoru: (right... i forgot, maybe if i just) cutting himself off satoru just absorbed the water and then launched himself
VOTW: <Hydraulic propulsion acquired>

after a short 10-20 seconds of flying through the air from the speed satoru accidently lands into something or someone
???: "ah!" the woman yelped in sudden surprise it didn't hurt but it gave her a fright as it came out of nowhere
???: "interesting, can you hear me little one?" another entity said using telepathy
Satoru: (little one? what was that?) Satoru said not knowing about the telepathy was active
???: "a interesting slime indeed isn't it little brother?" a female voice now appears in satoru's head she had used telepathy as well
Satoru: (great i'm hearing voices in my head that isn't great sage i must have lost it for real now!)
???: "no you haven't lost it" the male voice says a responds
???: "allow me to introduce myself, i am the great storm dragon: Veldora! and this is my older sister the scorch dragon velgrynd!" veldora says quite loudly 

the convocation goes on for awhile during this time velgrynd reluctantly told Satoru how to learn [magic sense] they talked a bit more and found out Satoru was from another world and that interested velgrynd a little they also explained more about the world.

Velgrynd: "i guess i could give you a new name hmm, how about rimuru" as soon as Velgrynd had said that rimuru started glowing
Veldora: "and how about one of those family names that humans have? to show that we are equals" at that thought the newly named rimuru started thinking there were many options
Rimuru: "how about Tempest?" Rimuru says shyly as he just picked the first thing that came to mind
Veldora: "it's perfect! from this day onward i shall be known as Veldora Tempest! and as your name suggest you shall also Carry the name Tempest" with that rimuru veldora and velgrynd talk for a few more minutes before velgrynd suggest the idea of Rimuru freeing veldora not knowing what to do rimuru consults great sage

Rimuru: (great sage help! what do i do!)
Great sage: <looking for possible solutions suggested method is to use unique skill [Predator] and consume the individual Veldora>
Rimuru: "ok Veldora! i'm going to free you but i have to eat you first that way i can analize the seal" rimuru says it shocked velgrynd a little but she did nothing as she had a feeling that she should let this happen but veldora agrees without hesitation from his friend.
Great sage: <activate unique skill [predator]? yes/no>
Rimuru: (yes!) with this simple command Rimuru expands consuming veldora and the unlimited imprisonment completely so Great sage can analyse it.

velgrynd smiles she knows veldora isn't dead and starts walking away with rimuru following as they were both heading towards the exit of the cave on this day velgrynd knew that this would cause a huge panic for the weaker nations like brumund but of course Rimuru didn't know this at all.

ttigraas: what if rimuru met velgrynd insteadWhere stories live. Discover now