chapter 4

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rimuru carries entire dwargon chapter in my opinion sorry if this one is more rushed i just want to get this one over with though i had to change my writing style a tiny bit to "make the story slower"

As he'd so boldly proclaimed a day earlier, Rigurd had everything I neededthat afternoon. He had even chosen the team members for my expeditioninto the Dwarven Kingdom already.By the way, did Rigur really have to be our expedition leader, too? I wasa little concerned about that, but he seemed to be all for it.Well, his father did recover his youthful looks and the enthusiasm to gowith it. Maybe I was worrying too much.

once i picked up my luggage ranga eagerly allowed me onto his back. i binged myself up and nestled on his fur.Rimuru: (there was alot more fur than i thought, and it sure does wonders for comfort)i braced my body with sticky thread to keep from falling, not having any arms or legs is a pain at times like these.Rimuru: (at least i had the skills to do something about it, gotta use the tools you have on hand)the luggage mainly consisted of money and food, if we took longer than that we would have to forage a bit, for the money we had seven silver pieces and twenty-four bronze pieces my expectation wasn't high but thats fine.

apparently for a goblin on foot it would take two months to walk to the dwarven kingdom we would mostly be following the great Ameld river which flows through the forest, up to it's source the mountain range that held the settlement we sought.

Rimuru: "hey! don't wear yourself out" rimuru shouted but ranga only upped his speedrimuru used thought communication to speak with the othersRimuru: "hey Rigur? who was it that named your brother anyways?" Rigur: "ah! thank you for recalling my name sir rimuru! my brother was named by a passing member of the magic-born race"Rimuru: "oh? one of them visited the village?"Rigur: "indeed sir rimuru, about a decade ago. i was still a child. he spent several days in my village... and claimed to 'see something in my brother' in his words"Rimuru: "he must have been a nice brother."

Rigurd: :"Oh, absolutely! He was my pride and joy. Sir Gelmud, the one who bestowed the name, said it himself. 'I would love to have you among my men,' he said!"Rimuru: "but he didn't take him along on his journey?"Rigur: "no sir rimuru. he was still young at that time"

rimuru and the goblins would continue there adventure to dwargon for the next 3 days stopping for rest and after 3 days they arrive.

Rimuru: (and of course there was a line to get in)the front gate was enormous built to block free entry into the vast cave opening???: "guess were really here huh?" a random traveller says as rimuru scans the line???: "thats a fancy gate" the traveller says again???: "look at tgr armour on that solder, we probably couldn't afford gear like that after 10 years of salary"???: "yeah i'll bet! even the eastern empire tries to keep things peaceful with these guys in public at least" the travellers companion replies???: "hey! hey check it out, there're monsters out here! we can kill them right? we aren't inside yet" the traveller says loudly???: "yeah, what the hell are you standing in line for? you think were gonna let you do that you little runts? give me your spot before we kill you, and leave your crap there too all right? and we'll let you go"

Rimuru: (i figured that we would attract attention i was just hoping it was the good kind) "hey did you hear something gobta?"
Gobta: "yes i did.."
Rimuru: "did you run into trouble last time" rimuru slightly turns to gobta
Gobta: "of course i did! oh they beat me silly! the kobold merchants had to pick me up off the ground might've died if they didn't, eh?"
Rimuru: "they did huh? so we can't avoid this?"
Gobta: "it is uhh the fate of the weak"
???: "yo! you runts think you have the right to ignore us?!"
???: "hey isn't a talking slime pretty rare? if we sell it we could get alot of money"

Rimuru: (people said i had patience of a saint back home but this was starting to irk me) "Gobta... you remember the rules i gave you all before?"Gobta: "yes sir! absolutely"Rimuru: "then turn around close your eyes and cover your ears, no peaking alright"me being a role model but breaking one of the rules. one of the travellers shifted his gaze as i followed his gaze i saw what looked to be banditsRimuru: "woah woah back of the line, i'm feeling genorus today, so i'll let it slide if you line up out back" i say to rile them upthey looked stupefied for a moment before there faces turn bright redRimuru: (didn't take much to tick them off) after a bit of back and fourth rimuru used [mimicry] to mimic the tempest star wolf and scared them off however that came at the cost of being arrested, rimuru also gave potions go the guards when the armoursaurous attacked. now i'm in the blacksmith. after i copied the sword we went to a sort of night club with eilf got arrested and then got exiled.

sorry if the chapter is short or not good but honestly it's so boring i tried to get as far as i could before i got bored of it but yeah mostly same as canon no changes from being arrested to exile are the same.

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