arc 1 status

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well folks thats the end of the first arc(as i'll call them) but don't worry i'll be revisiting
them and rewriting in the future when i'm better at writing, i'll also do small chapters for
other characters as well i felt like this would be fun to do this at the end of every arc and i'll
update it once special chapters for a arc is released, please keep in mind that some

characters are buffed or weakened for the story i have in mind also i'll leave out things we
don't know about the character(in this story not in general) so if were in arc 4 and see
veldora use a skill it will be in that arcs status but if we don't see a character use a certain skill they have in the original story, just know they have it but it won't be said until it's shown and alot of things in general will be changed i'll also add my own age and EP for them(keeping the general age of course).

name: Satoru Mikami
introduction: Prolouge
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Status: dead
Blessings: none

name: Rimuru
Introduction - chapter 1
Gender: Genderless(male)
Age: 90 days(42 past life)
status: alive
Blessings: Scorch Dragons Grace, Blessing of storm
Magic: ice
EP: 1,587
Titles: None
Skills: pain nullification, stab resistance, physical attack resistance, thermal fluctuation resistance, Great sage, predator, hydraulic propulsion, magic sense, water blade, water current control, sense heat source, poisonous breath, ultra sonic waves, sticky thread, steel thread, Degenerate, body double

Name: Velgrynd
Introduction: chapter 1
Gender: Female
Age: 20,000+ (20,475)
Status: alive
Blessings: Scorch Dragons Grace
Magic: unknown
EP: 800,500
Titles: Scorch Dragon
Skills: unknown

Name: Veldora
Introduction: chapter 1
Gender: Male
Age: 2,000+ (2,355)
Status: alive
Blessings: Blessing of storm
Magic: unknown
EP: 800,300
Titles: Storm Dragon
Skills: unknown

introduction: Chapter 2
Gender: male
Age: 10+ (14)
Status: alive
blessings: Rimuru's Blessing
Magic: none
EP: 10,000
Titles: none
Skills: unknown

Introduction: chapter 3
Gender: male
Age: (60?)
Status: alive
Blessings: rimuru's blessing
Magic: none
EP: 10,029
Titles: Goblin King
Skills: unknown

introduction: chapter 3
Gender: male
Age: (14?)
Status: alive
Blessings: Rimuru's Blessing
Magic: none
EP: 10,050
Titles: none
Skills: unknown

introduction: chapter 3
Gender: male
Age: no defined age so i'll say late teens to early 20s
Status: alive
Blessings: Rimuru's Blessing
Magic: none
EP: 6,500
Titles: none
Skills: unknown

Introduction: chapter 5
Gender: Female
Age: 72
Status: dead
Blessings: Demon Lord Blessing
Magic: elemental, spirit, summoning
EP: 600,000
Titles:  of flames
Skills: degenerate

introduction: chapter 1
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Status: alive
Blessings: none
Magic: ice
EP: 3,998
Titles: None
Skills: None

introduction: chapter 1
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Status: alive
Blessings: none
Magic: unknown
EP: 6,000
Titles: none
Skills: none

introduction: chapter 1
Gender: male
age: 34
Status: alive
Blessings: none
Magic: none
EP: 6,020
Titles: none
skills: none

yeah sorry if it's alot at the start i tried to explain it in the least amount of words while giving information that isn't too vague well bye 

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