Chapter 7

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Having named the ogres rimuru wasted no time starting to plan counters to the orcs.

Treyni had also visited earlier and helped by giving what information she could provide.

Half way through the week some lizardmen envoy arrived and left after gobta beat them with the threat of extra training from hakorou and 10 bowls of food made by shion which caused gobta to beat gabiru in the span of seconds.

After sending souei as a envoy to the lizardmen gaining a audience for an alliance after a few days.


On the day of the fight rimuru had arrived earlier but that didn't matter only winning this fight.

The fight had gone better than planned especially with benimaru's hellflare.

Some hours of fighting went by and the orc lord along with the eventual showing of gelmud.

Gelmud had been insulting the orc lord for the last half hour.

Rimuru: (such weak insults, though i can't say them without being canceled)

Rimuru thought as he backhanded gelmud onto the ground shattering his mask.

Gelmud: "y-you weak bastard!"

He yelled.

Rimuru: "weak? I just slapped you and your already on the ground"

rimuru pulled his arm back for another punch but before he could do that Geld the orc lord had taken his weapon and cut gelmud in half eating him.

Rimuru: (well thats disturbing)

after a few moments rimuru quickly rushed into battle before his subordinates, he reilized how dangerous this orc lord could be.

*(the fight happened similar to canon but alot faster and everything else happened as canon)

some months later after the orc lord attack.


news had spread that a group of champions had killed the orc lord i doubted it very much however rudra had seemed to ackowledge it not caring much however, these days he didn't only focused on his game with that demon.

turning into a dragon i quickly flew over to jura forest thats where i last saw rimuru i don't know why i was going there but i was, it was a quick and uneventful flight when i landed i was met with not the slime i knew but a human girl, though i knew that it wasn't a human but instead rimuru he had seemed to have obtained a human appearance something that suprised me though i quickly snap out of it and walk up to rimuru.

Rimuru: "eh? Velgrynd?"

addressing me casually would have made me mad though for some reason i didn't mind much with rimuru adressing me like that.

Velgrynd: "hello rimuru"

i reply and we start talking like we had been long time friends even if we weren't i was only here to get insight on what happened with the orc lord however i ended up enjoying my stay in tempest


Velgrynd: (i might have to return in the future)

i thought to myself as i fly off back to the empire getting into my comfortable bed, i'm not sure why but ever since i met rimuru i've been sleeping alot more despite not needing it.


after that meet with velgrynd things had run smoothly sort of other than milim doing milim things while being milim(that make sense?).

eventually we had reached the fight with cryptis(i forgot how to spell name)

during this fight everyone was fighting at their best or at least i hopped they were i didn't want our nation to be wiped out not long after being reconized as a official entity.

Of course once the cryptis was closer to the battlefield I started attacking using alot of skills though mostly gluttony.

Cryptis: "milim"

Cryptis slowly speaks I thought it was mindless... Wait milim? So its after her.

After sending a thought communication to milim we swapped but before she could even finish launching her attack a pillar of fire emerged with velgrynd appearing in place of cryptis.

Rimuru: "velgrynd? What are you doing here"

Velgrynd: "what am I not allowed to visit?"

Velgrynd replied as quickly as I asked.

Rimuru: "eh! Of course you are I'm just surprised is all"

Rimuru almost forgetting that Phobio exist quickly starts the extraction process of cryptis.

Great Sage: "Absorption partially failed acquired skills–"

Velgrynd: "becoming stronger huh?"

Velgrynd comments with a slight smirk barely noticeable.


After a talk with demon lord carrion they arrived at tempest on the way velgrynd gave a few small reasons such as investigation of the orc lord knowing the tales of a champion was more than likely to be false.

She also gave another reason being that her and Rudra had a major fight with eachother which in her words would most likely result in divorce or something along the lines of that.

Of course what they fought about was still shrouded in mystery and rimuru didn't want to press to much on a open wound if you catch the meaning.

Milim however was pouting the entire time salty that she didn't get to fight(slaughter) cryptis.


A few days had passed the lycanthropes had left with some staying behind, rimuru had already been to dwargon and back.

Velgrynd had also decided to make Tempest her permanent home and become it's guardian of course after a few things to do in the empire, and whilst rimuru was in dwargon she did have a sudden urge to burn some elves alive she wasn't sure why but it happened.


Velgrynd: "welcome back rimuru"

Velgrynd along with other monsters greeted rimuru as he returned.

Rimuru: "hello velgrynd"

Rimuru said before becoming a slime again, he still had to redo a few things since velgrynd decided this was her new home, unlike milim velgrynd was more... responsible for a job other than being the guardian of tempest he was thinking giving shions position but then that would create a whole new load of problems that honestly he didn't want to deal with.

ok so somewhat short as normal i guess but i'll have you know i did try making it longer with a tiny bit different plot, so yeah needs some work i agree but i've been reading the novels(i'm on vol 4) and completely forgot everything from the past 3 volumes

ttigraas: what if rimuru met velgrynd insteadWhere stories live. Discover now