chapter 2

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walking through the cave alone velgrynd had already left not wanting to waste time and get back to rudra while rimuru wanted to explore a little more so they had parted ways...
now rimuru was lost inside the cave having fought many monsters.
Rimuru: (where is the exit? is it this way) rimuru takes taking a left
Rimuru: (speaking... thinking of witch haven't i heard the name rimuru before? nah must be imagining it)

after awhile rimuru stumbled across the exit and before he could start thinking on how to open it rimuru had to hide as 3 people entered.
???: "phew, finally opened sure is rusty" a man with light brown hair comments and rimuru silently agrees with that statement
???: "can't help it this door hasn't been maintained for over 300 years" another man with brownish-blonde hair replies
???: "still the guild master is very reckless to send us to investigate the sealed cave" a girl blonde hair says
rimuru: (so they have guilds here? never mind it's a fantasy world of course they would most fantasy worlds have them anyways) rimuru thinks to himself answering his own question
deciding to avoid contact until he could speak rimuru watched as one of them made them invisible.
rimuru: (oh? what a useful skill)
once rimuru felt they had left he just exited through the open door

10 days ago in the sealed cave.
while crawling a giant snake appeared out of no where it was huge
rimuru: (so scar- never mind compared to a certain giant dragon named veldora and his rather cold sister velgrynd this looks rather cute)
Rimuru: (now you black snake! take this [Water Blade]) rimuru yells in his mind as a blade of water cuts through the snake
Rimuru: (wow [water blade] is stronger than i thought i'll have to be careful with it)
Great sage: <suggestion: consuming the storm snake with the unique skill [predator]>
Rimuru: (eh? thats what it's called? anyways what would predating it even do?)
Great sage: <answer: through predating the target with analysis it is possible to learn the targets skills>
rimuru: (i see then don't mind me) rimuru says as his body expands covering and absorbing the storm snake
Great sage: <acquired: skills [sense heat source] and [poisonous breath] it is now also possible to mimic the storm snake>
rimuru: (mimicry? lets try it out) as said rimuru turns into the storm snake but turns back shortly after
Rimuru: (huh? are those bats? wait if i ate those maybe i could have wings, that would be cool) using [poisonous breath rimuru hits one of the bats witch hits another bat making them both fall onto the ground and rimuru not knowing this happened eats them both
Great sage: <acquired: [bloodsucking] and [ultra sonic waves] you can now mimic a bat>
with this rimuru had tried to outsmart great sage asking why he ate the bats but great sage answered perfectly.

for the next few days rimuru would practice his skills, practice talking and even fight monsters until we get back to the current time of rimuru.

rimuru: (so the cave was in this forest it actually looks nice) and with that the same routine occurs after a few days rimuru hears growling only to see some wolves running away
Rimuru: (eh? what's going on? seems like there afraid of me?... goblins?) rimuru says as a group of 30 goblins show up holding tattered and rusted weapons
???: "gah strong one did you have any business ahead of here" the goblin at the front spoke up 
rimuru: (they can talk... wait how can i understand them?)
Great sage: <answer: using [magic sense] the sound waves with meaning are converted into sentences also sounds that carry your thoughts can be used to communicate>
Rimuru: (is that so? i guess i'll try it) "it's the first time we have met my name is rimuru and i'm a slime"
???: "strong one we have already recognized your strength please lower your voice" the same goblin spoke all of them on the ground
rimuru: (ah is that it my thoughts were too strong) adjusting his thoughts somehow rimuru tried again
Rimuru: "sorry about that i'm still not used to adjusting it yet"
???: "there is no need to apologize to us!" the goblin says bowing along with the other goblins
Rimuru: "then do you need anything i'm not going to do anything ahead of here"
???: "it's like this, our village is ahead of here and when we felt a strong aura we immediately came here"
rimuru: (strong aura?) "but i didn't feel anything with my magic perception"
???: "you don't need to jest around with us strong one"
Great sage: <answer: there are no monsters with more magicules than the individual {Rimuru Tempest}>
Rimuru: (is that so?)
???: "we aren't easily fooled there is no way a slime would emit such a demonic aura"
rimuru: (so they were talking about me... demonic aura? i don't remember emitting something like that, great sage change my point of view want to take a look at myself)
Great sage: <understood>

with the change into a overhead view of himself rimuru sees a massive aura surrounding him and his first thought were velgrynd and veldora
Rimuru: (ah no good it's leaking out it feels embarrassing like walking down a busy street with my fly wide open... might as well play along) "fufufu so you understand?"
???: "of course there is no need to hide your whimsical style either"
Rimuru: (retract it!) retracting the aura the goblins sigh in relief from the pressure put on them
???: "that really helped that demonic aura is really terrifying" the goblin commented getting up
Rimuru: "of course if it wasn't other monsters would come looking for trouble" (i'll pretend that's the case anyways)

after that the goblins take rimuru to there village and rimuru decides to help them with the upcoming fight meanwhile.

velgrynd had just given her report to rudra or at least a half of it she had told him that veldora refused to help him witch was true but then she lied saying that she killed him as she didn't want to spoil rimuru.
velgrynd: "that slime rimuru very interesting he might prove some entertainment but for now he must get stronger" laying on her bed she closed her eyes velgrynd didn't need to sleep she had no need but she did like sleeping on them from time to time.

and there you have it the next part anyways the next one will be longer hopefully i just had no time after half way because i had to help my mom with shopping and i had forgotten a few things but anyways it has been fun to write this story so far, here is the discord link:
we have a event going on currently and please make sure to verify yourself to get full access to everything this was also just a continuation of the previous chapter

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