Chapter 9

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blood... everywhere as rimuru followed benimaru and Hakorou to the center of the city they weren't the only ones alive of course there were alot of civilians and some injured fighters nothing rimuru couldn't fix, rimuru stopped as benimaru walked up to the only corpse that was cloaked it was revealing Shion.

"w-what?" rimuru's eyes widened then slowly went back to normal he shouldn't be surprised of course it was saddening.

"i'm sorry i couldn't do anything rimuru-san" Velgrynd speaks from behind rimuru she was the strongest here none of this would have happened but as velgrynd explained to rimuru that she had felt him in danger when she arrived there was nothing but while she was gone this had happened

Flashback because yes

clashing of swords, rimuru had just left Ingracia he was planning to return home but instead was forced into a fight against a woman who he assumed was Hinata Sakaguchi from his dreams as he was hit by her blade a small cut appeared but meanwhile as this was going on.

"rimuru's hurt" Velgrynd perked her head up from her rest not that she needed it, she knew her job was to protect Tempest while he was gone but she also couldn't let the Ruler of Tempest die.

"Benimaru your in charge" Velgrynd says quickly walking pass him without stopping to explain she didn't care much for him if she was honest she didn't mind working with him but he wasn't her best friend so to speak.

Velgrynd quickly turned into a dragon and flew straight to where rimuru was.


5 cuts rimuru had been hit 5 times he didn't exactly know how bad this would be if he got more but he knew it wouldn't turn out in his favour, Hinata wasn't explaining or listening as if she was hellbent on killing him he wondered why as he was now focusing on dodging.

of course the body Hinata was fighting was just a clone that he cut all connections from, Hinata most likely would have felt the drop in strength if the clone had continued fighting her, Rimuru the real Rimuru was in his slime form hiding behind a tree.

soon the clones body was destroyed and hinata left, rimuru did so as well and a while after their departure Velgrynd arrived seeing nothing.

she was a rational person... sometimes she knew rimuru was smart enough to survive or come up with some alien tactic to survive he wasn't a idiot.

flashback end

"rimuru-san!" a voice yelled in the distance rimuru had requested to be alone, it had now been what 3-4 days, he turned around slightly as Elyun was running towards him with humane speeds not inhumane, humane.

they spoke for awhile Elyun told Rimuru of a tale about some dragon princess and asked great sage the odds.


an hour later shuna and Myulan were setting up barriers, while there was a army sent to destroy the magic crystal thingys.

"you think those monsters are gonna give up any time soon" a soldier asked another but before a reply was sent out both of them were cut bursting into black flames leaving nothing but ash it was the red head that the author liked more than a certain red head demon who was yet to make an appearcance.

Benimaru wasn't heared or notcied by any of them until that attack but even if they had noticed them it wouldn't make any difference.

"not even a full minute and your all dead a waste of time, i feel ashamed we even lost to you the first time" Benimaru said mockingly he wasn't being arroagant the author just buffed him because yes.

ttigraas: what if rimuru met velgrynd insteadWhere stories live. Discover now