chapter 5

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i had to speed it up a bit since my computer kept crashing and irl problems but i tried to make it as slow as i can

2 weeks later

here we were back at the goblin village it had been 2 weeks but i was starting to miss it, well if you want to call it a village it was more a free open space with a fence around it, while we were gone a few simple tents have been pitched at least so i'm glad were making progress, i was about to start looking around for rigurd before i spotted him running and bowed to me.

Rigurd: "welcome back!" rigurd said before i could ask anything
Rigurd: "i hate to bother you so soon after returning, sir Rimuru, but we have visitors"
Rimuru: (visitors? but i don't remember having any friends)

i decided to let the dwarfs show themselves around as they would be living here for awhile i had also put away all the tools in a tent and had rigur take them off my hands while i meet our new guest. entering a tent i was greeted by a bunch of goblins none of witch were armed.

Goblins: "it is an honour too meet you O great master please listen to our earnest of hopes" all the goblins shouted in unison
Rimuru: (great master? do they mean me? thats going too far) "all right, go ahead"
Elder: "thank you for your generosity" a elder off to the left shouts
Goblins: "please grant us your magnanimous kindness!"
Rimuru: (honestly i don't want to deal with this, were just starting the rebuilding process)

after a few moments rimuru had decided to let them stay and sending them off back to there villages. awhile later there were lots of goblins rimuru talked with rigurd about it and learning about differences between hobgoblins and goblins before going ahead and naming them

Rimuru: "lets all be pals and get along"
seeing the amount of goblins around 500 of the 4 new tribes there needed to be a chain of command given how monsters value strength.
Rimuru: "all right, i'm going to give you ranks"
rigurd got a upgrade to goblin king while the other 4 elders became goblin lords and the other goblins immediately bowed to them witch was a spine tingling sight to see
Goblins: "y-yes our lord"

awhile later
Rigurd: "oh is that where you were, sir rimuru?"
Rimuru: "what is it?"
Rigurd: "i've come to report to you, sir. we've captured a few suspicious individuals"
Rimuru: "suspicious? a bunch of monsters or?"
Rigurd: "no sir, humans we did not engage them as ordered"
Rimuru: "humans? why here" (woah! sweet! better get on there good sides fast if it was those 3 idiots from the dwaven gate i'd gladly chop them up and feed them to our work crews but)
Rigurd: "they were engaged in battle with giant ants it seems, rigur and his security detail rescued them and brought them here, but... apparently he suspects they are conducting a investigation of the local area i thought i would come to you for advice"

i already heard from the dwarves that the jura forest was neutral territory unclaimed by any nation so it's possible that it was a expeditionary force looking to expand it's borders.
RImuru: "all right take me to them"

after a while of walking rimuru started to hear a convosation
???:"wh-whoah! hey! i wanted that one"
???: "thats just mean isn't it? i raised this meat myself"
???: "sir i regret to inform you i'm not giving up this food"
as we enter the tent i jump down off rigurds shoulder
Rimuru: "hello nice to meet you my names rimuru, i'm not a bad slime you know"
???: "pfft-"

the 3 idiots +1 introduced themselves and a few days later the ifrit fight began(got a bit lazy here have to write 2 chapters)

rimuru: "rigurd get everyone out of town! don't let anyone near here"
Rigurd: "but"
Rimuru: "thats an order! once there evacuated get ranga here for me!" 
Rigurd: "yes sir rimuru"
rigurd runs off rimuru could tell that he nor his race could do anything, and i didn't want ranga as a fighting partner I'd called for him simply because I'd considered the possibility that thiswas all an act on the adventurers' part to divert our attention. Their oddlyloose lips made a lot more sense to me if they'd never intended to let us livefrom the start. That, or they really could have been that stupid, but...If this was an act, they might try to stab me in the back while I wasstruggling with Shizu. That was what Ranga would be for. Maybe I wasoverthinking things, but you can never be too careful.

Rimuru: "yo gido! what's that conquror of flames thing?"
Eren: "wasn't that a hero or something? i think active around 50 or so years ago"
Rimuru: (famous then?) rimuru thinks before noticing shizu's mask falling to the ground.
then flames shot upward, up in the sky three flame salamanders appeared. it was a hell of a way for shizu to show her face to us. Her black hair fanned outward with theshock wave, shining brilliantly against the inferno. She had a fleeting,transient beauty to her—but her eyes emitted a wicked shine, and the edgesof her lips were twisted upward in what seemed to be an expression of utterjoy at the carnage she had seen.

VOTW: <launching uniqe skill [Degenerate]>
the voice of the world echoed around us, as it did shizu had turned into a giant of pure fire.
Gido: "no mistaking it, thats the conqurer of flames-"
the 3 of them continued to talk but i wasn't paying much attention only hearing that ifrit was a spirit not to meantion that the buildings we had under construction were burning
Rimuru: (damnit we just started construction)
rimuru tried talking to ifrit but saw that it wouldn't do anything and abandoned the idea.

Eren: "Icicle lance!" eren's attack stabbed it's way through one of them
Rimuru: "you alright?"
Eren: "I can do this! Risking our lives is nothing new to us!"
Kabal: "Oh, come on, I thought I was the leader! Well, so be it. I'll take one of 'em down!"
Gido: "Yeah? I ain't heard of a bandit fightin' an elemental spirit before. Guess we're all in this together, huh?"
It was hard to tell whether they really counted on each other or not. If Kabal was that eager to 'take one down,' I might as well let him. If he died, though, that was gonna weigh on me.
Rimuru: "All right, You take him. But don't push it! If you get hurt, use these."
rimuru gives them a few potions before leaving the 3 of them.

once ranga arrived rimuru mounted ranga and began running around ifrit rimuru knew that water blades wouldn't work since they would just evaporate.Rimuru: (would the water i have in my stomach work?)Great sage: < It is possible to release a large amount of water. This will cause a steam explosion upon contact with the salamander, but is this all right? Yes? No?>Rimuru: (huh? steam explosion? no!)Eren: "icicle lance!"Rimuru: (thats it!) "Eren! hit me with a icicle lance!"Eren: "huh! thats kind of-"Rimuru: "just do it!"Eren paused for a moment at the request but gave in casting the spell to which rimuru devoured leaving Eren stunned. rimuru ignored them though and casted "icicle lance" defeating all the slamanders.

ranga had left with the 3 adventures now it was just rimuru and ifrit
Ifrit: "Fire circle!"
pillars of flames consumed ifrit but a few moments later ifrit was caught in the combination of [sticky thread] and [steel thread]
Great sage: <use unique skill [predator]?>
Rimuru: (yes)
rimuru's body had started to expand soon covering and then devouring ifrit.

a few days later rimuru was at a bedside with shizu laying down on the bed she had told rimuru about her regrets and a little about her past and how she hated this world where rimuru devoured shizu's body as she died.

there was alot i wanted to do but my computer is being too annoying but i'll revisit and redo these chapters in the future

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