chapter 3

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having followed the goblins to their villiage and agreeing to help and having healed the injured rimuru had having the goblins build a fence.

Rimuru: (ok thats a lie but it's good enough)
as rimuru was thinking that howling was heard
Goblin: "ah! c-coming! there here! it's the fang wolf tribe"
Rimuru: (that first part sounded so wrong but lets focus on the battle first) "stop right there"
???: "father-sama it's the one from last time" the wolf with a star on it's head speaks to the father
???: "is that the monster you talked about that emitted that bizarre demonic aura! how rediculous it's just a slime" the other wolf replied
Rimuru: (is that an insult? whatever) "listen i'll say this once if you leave quickly i'll spare you i suggest you leave quickly"
???: "father-sama!" the younger wolf yells out
???: "that's a fence commonly seen in human villages, acting so arrogant when your clearly just a slime!" the leader wolf runs along with his companions
???: "you guys get him!" (this wood is nothing at all when faced with our claws and teeth) thinking this some of the wolves get killed by seemingly nothing
???: "what happened, whats going on what the hell is this!?" the bigger wolf yells looking like he's about to have a tantrum
elder goblin: "these wires are the ones from before i thought they were to strengthen the fence"
Rimuru: "the ones i used to strengthen the fence was [sticky thread] this is [steel thread]"
rimuru says as more wolves die from running into in while cutting some of the thead
Rimuru: "it's difficult to advance while dodging arrows and [steel thread] at the same time, even if they can reach here"

???: (impossible! we are the mighty fang wolf tribe. to actually be fooled around with by lowly creatures like slimes and goblins... i won't accept this) the leader wolf thinks angerly as he starts to run foward
???: "father-sama!?" the young wolf yells
the father wolf thinks angry thoughts as he bites through the steel thread that killed other wolves soon reaching out of the steel thread
???: "don't get too cocky slime!! i'll tear you to shreads!!" the wolf yells jumping in the air but gets stuck
Rimuru: "too naive, what a shame this is [sticky thread"
the wolf was stuggling but the others did nothing not even run away so rimuru used [Water blade] to cut off the leaders head.

goblins: "he did it!" the goblins all cheer
???: "father-sama"
Rimuru: "listen well fang wolf tribe! your leader is already dead either submit or meet your end here you choose!" (ah! i messed up letting them run away should have been the best. i accedently let them choose one out of two options, rather than submit wouldn't they fight to the death! what should we do if they charge us like this)
rimuru seeing there were no movements at all absorbs the wolf boss mimicking the wolf.
Rimuru: "i won't force you to submit to me if you don't submit, then leave this place!! leave quickly!!" (this should scare them away)
Direwolves: "we'll all submit to you!"
Rimuru: (eh?)

hours later rimuru is on a tree stump with the village elder next to him and the goblins and direwolves sitting infront of him.
Rimuru: (ok now time to give out orders... nothing hard right?) "speaking of witch what is your name village elder?"
village elder: "that... monsters don't usually have names, even without names it's still possible to communicate with each other"
Rimuru: "is that so... but it's hard for me to communicate with you all, okay i'll give you all a name" (eh? why are there eyes so intense like i said i'd become a god?)
village elder: "is that really ok?
Rimuru: "no problem guys just form a line" (if you really want names just name yourself)

Rimuru: "you told me before you two were family of the formally strongest warrior in the village, rigur right?"
Goblin family: "y-yes"
Rimuru: "well then the father witch is the goblin elder will be named {Rigurd}
Rigurd: "o-okay"
Rimuru: and you will succeed your brothers name {rigur}
Rigur: "yes!"
Rimuru: (now then what about the others that are left) "you will be {Gobta}, {gobchi}, {gobutsu}, {gobute}, {gobuto}" (well it be best if no one puts hope into my naming sense)
goblin after goblin all getting a name by rimuru until only the direwolves are left
Rimuru: (phew, that was alot) "your the son of the boss wolf huh?" the wolf nods in response not giving much response as he was still grieving a little bit
Rimuru: "fang of the storm... 'ranga'? ok your name will be {Ranga}" with that last name rimuru passes out only waking up 3 days after where he decides he will travel to the armed nation of dwargon.

ok this was a hard one as i had lots of things to do and at this point of the story everything is quite uneventful next chapter will be longer and i got a story request so look forward to that. i also made a newer server this one is more orginized but unfinished here is the server link: also should i add isekai memories storylines as well? along side the main story? i'll put a poll on my new server

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