8 - The Curse Surfaces

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I lost track of time at the library. I was halfway through the angel of fire book (which only had information that I already knew) when Porus told me that he had to close up for the night. I collected the files together and returned the ten I strongly assumed weren't Ariel and checked out the other ten along with the books.

I hailed Henry's cab then and took all the belongings back to my house. It was late though it didn't look like it on Olympia Lane. The sun and the moon always shown at the same time since both the sun and moon god lived here.

Eros and Psyche seemed to be asleep already when I walked in the house. I stayed quiet as I unloaded all my items on the kitchen counter. I checked the oven and sure enough, there was a piece of chicken in there. I took it out and placed it on a plate before walking into the dining room to eat.

"Glad to see you're home," a voice commented as I set down my plate. I almost dropped it from being startled.

My hand flew to my heart instinctively as Eros's blue eyes met my own hazel ones.

"You could have warned me that you were in the room," I muttered taking my seat at the table across from my grandfather.

"Sorry," he apologized sincerely. I began to eat and Eros just watched me. It made me a little self conscious.

"How is your case going?" Eros asked making small talk.

"Okay," I answered after swallowing. "I think I have a lead. I just need to talk to him about it."

Eros nodded as if he understood and he probably did. I had learned to never put anything past him. "Good."

"Do you like your client?" Eros asked after a minute.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose."

"Good," Eros said again. I finished off my food and looked at him expectantly. I wasn't sure what he wanted. Eros sighed as if he didn't want to tell me something.

"Peyton," Eros began suddenly very serious. "Before I retire-"

"Please don't say that," I interrupted not feeling up to discussing that.

"I want to see you fall in love," Eros blurted.

My eyes widened. "No thank you."

"Peyton," Eros called with all the patience in the world. I'm sure he dealt with people like me all the time. "Do this for your family. We all want to see you happy."

I stared at my empty plate in front of me wishing it would dance so I could change the subject.

"What do you want me to do?" I avoided his eyes.

"Just go on a few blind dates," Eros replied as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I shook my head immediately. "Blind dates? Eros! You're Cupid! You should just set me up with the guy!"

Eros leaned back in his seat with an amused expression on his young face. "I want to play a game."

"A what?"

"A game," he repeated. "I'm going to set you up with five people and you will have to guess which one is the right one for you."

"This isn't funny!" I tried to keep my voice down. "My love life isn't a game and I don't want it to be. What's gotten into you?"

Eros laughed. "Relax; these dates will be on your time. Peyton, I'm old. I need entertainment and I want to live to see you happy."

"You act like your dying," I mumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

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