28 - Bad Company

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When I arrived at my house in Olympia, the first thing I did was hopped out of the cab and ran into Eros’s office.  I had tears streaming down my face but I didn’t care.

Eros was in his office and was surprised to see me. I didn’t greet him and he quickly took in my distressed face. He asked me if I was alright but I ignored him. I walked over to one of his filling cabinets and pulled out the file with Nate’s name written on it.

I sorted through Eros’s desk, which Eros was currently occupying, until I found the ‘complete’ stamp. I took off the lid to the stamp, dipped it in red ink, and then opened Nate’s file. I was just about to slam the large stamp down onto the paper when Eros grabbed my hand preventing me from doing so.

“What are you doing?” Eros asked taking the stamp from my hand. I leaned on the table because I felt like I would fall over if I didn’t hold myself up. I sniffled and a tear fell from my cheek onto Nate’s file.

Eros finally seemed to understand. He laid the stamp down then gently guided me to a chair across from his desk. He handed me a tissue and I wiped my eyes. Eros didn’t say anything and just let me soak through three tissues.

“The case is closed,” I was able to say after a few minutes. “He’s said that he loves her.”

“Did he tell her?” Eros seemed surprised.

I shook my head. “No, he told me but as soon as he tells her then the case will be closed.”

Eros nodded. “You’re wrong.”

“What?” I met his eyes. I was never wrong.

Eros smile mischievously at me. “They are not right for each other.”

“And how would you know that? When were you ever around them?” I asked almost yelling. Since when did he get off telling me how to do my job?

“The Valentine’s Day Ball,” Eros answered calmly. I swore under my breath. He had me there. “The case is not closed. You need to go back to him and find him someone else.”

“Hell no,” I denied feeling drained and exhausted. “I quit this assignment. Give him to someone else. I can’t be around him anymore!”

Eros looked shocked by my outburst. “Why not?”

Apparently he didn’t know what happened just a few minutes ago. “My relationship with him is unhealthy and I feel that if I stick around him for too much longer, I will break the first rule.”

“Are you saying that you’re in love with this boy?” Eros asked his expression was unreadable.

“No,” I assured quickly but Eros raised his eyebrow at me questioningly. “I don’t know.”

“Peyton,” Eros began in a very fatherly way. “This is not good. Just today, Cilix came by and asked if you were here but I had to tell him you weren’t. He requested to make a date with you.”

I groaned leaning back on the chair and closing my eyes. “I hate this game! I want to be done dating multiple guys. Just give me my freaking soul mate so we can get married and pop out some great-grandchildren for you.”

Eros’s gaze turned icy. “Fine, we won’t play my game anymore.”

I opened my eyes and glanced at him to see if he was kidding or not. I was fed up with his game but I didn’t think he would take me seriously. It couldn’t have been that easy to quit this thing all along, could it have been?

“I will tell you now that you have already met the man who is your soul mate. I won’t tell you if you have or have not gone on a date with the guy already because that might give it away.”

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