Wings Of An Angel

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"Jayden, I'm at the spot." Aaliyah whispered into her watch.

A hologram of Jayden 023 appeared. "Good job Angel, your target is Freddie Hence," the face on her watch changed from Jayden's to a pixelated man with a scruffy beard and bald head, he had a scar down his lip and another on his forehead. "We need him dead, but first we need some information about the ring leader, Tabby Shorthair." Aaliyah didn't know much about David but she knew the name of Tabby, there was enough information about him from the briefing for her to know Freddie was more of a pain in Tabby's ass than a buddy of his. But orders were orders, and Jayden obviously knew something about him that she didn't.

"Consider it done." She muttered before she turned off the watch, put her badge in her backpack without removing it and walked out from the trees to what seemed to be a bright well-lit casino, she was still wearing her fancy dress from the Late Heavy Bombardment. She watched as a man that fit Freddie's description walked passed and joined the heavy crowd also heading towards the casino. The place looked like one of those old vegas palaces, the outside was also covered from top to bottom in Christmas decorations, almost to the point where you couldn't see the words 'Starlight Casino' plated in gold above the grand entrance.

She had now joined the queue, which must have been 100 or more people long but after a slow  thirty minutes she was finally in. Being and looking 28 she didn't have to provide ID, which she didn't have as she believes it'll blow her cover if someone happened to see it, fake IDs went something Jayden was licensed to provide. She managed to spot Freddy, just as her mind took notice of all the people surrounding her, the constant noise and lack of silence. A dark shadow crawled out from the back of het mind, now being attacked by thoughts,memories, and feelings from that awful event that moulded her into the person she was today.

"Please not now." She prayed, although she was already too far gone. It was no good, she knew the flashbacks were coming and she could do nothing to stop them. She saw the toilet sign and sprinted towards it. pushing through the crowd and knocking a couple people over but she didn't care, tears were rolling down her face as she battled for time.

"Sorry, excuse me, p-pardon me." She worked her way into the toilet stall, closed and locked the door then sat on the floor bracing herself.

Flashes came in and out of sight, she could hear her younger self screaming in agony, she could feel the bones cracking and the flesh tearing. She remembered the faces of the two men that did this to her in excruciating detail. A cow-sized man, wicked in every way, his oversized claw arm and tattoo covered body, red penetrating eyes and evil smile. The other a more average sized man with glossy black hair, he always seemed to do the experiments out of pleasure. all this pain and suffering because of them. Bones being snapped clean and pulled straight out of her body pushing her in and out of consciousness, the blood covering their faces. Then the chair, she remembered the cold steel frame and course leather straps like she was still there. "Who could do that to a child? Why?" She kept asking herself, until finally it stopped. She remembered why she was here and that the past can't be changed. She grabbed a sheet of toilet roll and wiped the tears from her eyes and face, she never wore makeup for this exact reason, that and she simply didn't need it.

Aaliyah exited the bathroom forcing a new state of mind, she had been through it too many times to let it get in the way of work. She spotted Freddie who was sat at a poker table holding 4 out of 5 cards, the 5th one was given to him but quickly replaced by a 'trick' up his sleeve but Aaliyah saw the entire thing.

"A royal flush, how 'bout that?" She heard him say before applause drowned out any other sound in the room. It was time to act and Aaliyah knew exactly what to do, she had put on her best walk and doll face before walking up behind the man.

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