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It had been weeks since classes had started, and Riley was enjoying herself more than ever, despite the concern and gossip surrounding Sirius Black being sighted nearby. She was enjoying all of her classes thoroughly and had tried out for the Quidditch team, which she was selected for the position of a Chaser. The twins and Harry were thrilled that the girl would be joining them on the pitch. But mainly, she was enjoying her time with Fred.

Riley was sitting cross-legged on the floor, in front of the coffee table, in the Gryffindor common room, focusing on finishing her homework. It was a Saturday at 6 am. Riley could think of a long list of things she would rather do at this time on a weekend, the first being sleep, but the full moon was tomorrow night so she was full of energy and she would rather get her work out of the way.

"Morning, Love." She heard a quiet voice behind her. She turned smiling to see Fred climbing onto the sofa behind her and settling down with his legs on either side of her hips.

"Morning, Darlin," she chuckled. "How'd you sleep?" She asked sweetly. Turning her attention back to her essay as she rubbed Fred's calf lightly with her palm.

"I slept good," He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head. "What about you?" He smiled, reading over her shoulder slightly.

"I slept okay," She hummed. "Too much energy." She chuckled.

"Is that the Defence Againts the Dark Arts homework?" He asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah," she chuckled. "I know we have another week left until the deadline, but I've finished everything else, and I just want it out the way." She explained.

"Makes sense. Full moon tomorrow, isn't it?" Fred asked softly, playing with the girl's hair lightly.

"Yeah, it is." She grinned.

"I thought so. I brewed you another batch of Wiggenweld. It's in my dorm. I will give it you later." He informed. The girl tilted her head back to look at Fred.

"You are the best. You know that?" She chimed.

"Yes. Yes, I do, Love." He grinned.

The two sat in a comfortable silence, Riley writing away, and Fred stroked her hair and swirling it around his fingers. It never failed to amaze him how long and soft her hair was. It felt like silk and reflected the light slightly when it moved. And... oh, it smelt like cinnamon and vanilla.

Fred flushed slightly as her scent caught his nose. He cleared his throat gently and shifted in his seat.

"There, I'm done," Riley grinned, beginning to fan the ink dry on the page. She quickly gathered her things and placed them in her bag. "Wanna go smoke?" She asked. Fred nodded and stood up slowly, offering his hand to help Riley stand.

Walking out of the common room, hand-in-hand, the two spoke quietly and laughed gently.

"Oh, would you look at you two?" The Fat Lady spoke sweetly from her portrait. "As thick as thieves these days, aren't you?" She chuckled. The pair gave each other a questioning look before smiling and nodding politely.

Fred walked into the passageway first, and Riley watched him carefully. Instantly reaching into his pocket for his pack of cigarettes. He pulled two out and put one between his teeth, lighting it and passing it to Riley. She mumbled her thanks, not taking her eyes off him as she leant with her back up the railing. Watching him light his own cigarette as it hung between his teeth. He flicked his gaze to Riley and smirked slightly. He stood in front of her as she took a drag of smoke. He placed his hands on her waist and edged closer until her back was firmly against the railing.

The Gryffindor Wolf - FredWeasley/OC 》》ON HOLD《《Where stories live. Discover now