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Remus and Sirius were sat in 12, Grimmauld Place, drinking and talking like they had for the last few nights. Remus had told Black all about how Riley and her friends saved him with a timeturner. What the girl was like as she grew up, what she liked and disliked. How she saved Remus from the pit of his own dispear just by being his Step Daughter. How she did in school. Everything.

They spoke about Aurora and James and Lily and how much they missed them. How proud they would be of the kids and all they have overcome so far. Like when Harry and Riley fought off Voldemort in weakened forms in their first two years at Hogwarts, how Riley and Harry defeated a Basalisk in the Chamber of Secrets. They spoke about so much, until Sirius finally asked about where Riley would be staying tomorrow, now she has finished her term at Hogwarts.

"So Riley doesn't mind staying at Molly and Arthur's for a few days?" Sirius asked with apprehension.

"Ofcourse she doesn't. The kids are her best friends" Remus chuckled.

"Yes... Best friends" Sirus said uncomfortably. "I don't like her boyfriend" he stated.

"Have you even spoken to him?" Remus chuckled as he poured the two of them another glass of wine.

"I don't need to" Sirius shrugged. "I know his type"

"His type?" Remus questioned amused. "And what is his type?"

"Cocky. Joker. Probably selfish. She's so young Remus. Do you honestly think he is respectful?" Sirius asked slightly agitated.

"Yes I do" Remus laughed. "They have been friends for years. He looks after her. He brews her Wiggenweld for the full moons every month. There whenever she needs him. Fred and his brothers, particularly George and William, would do absolutely anything for her and they certainly wouldn't have Fred push boundaries. Riley and Fred have been moving slowly this year. It took him months to even kiss her" Remus listed.

"You didn't see what I saw at the lake" Sirius reminded.

"No you're right. I didn't. But that is between her and him" Remus reminded. "I trust her judgement and know she wouldn't let anyone pressure her into anything" he said seriously. "She is far to stubborn"

"Has she came to you about anything like that?" Sirius questioned uncomfortably.

"Last I had spoken to her about it, she was confident that she knew what she needed to be safe" Remus shrugged.

Sirius shuddered at the thought.

"She's just a little girl" He pointed out.

"No she isn't. Riley has endured much more than most people her age. She is smarter than most adults and will definitely damage your ego if she hears you say anything like that to her" Remus said seriously. "You and I both know, that what she has had to deal with so far, is only the beginning of it all. We can't treat her like a little kid"

Sirius bowed his head slightly, breaking his stare on his last remaining friend. Riley, his only daughter, had suffered imencly. He knew that, and he hated himself for not being there for her through it.

"Was it traumatic for her? Being bitten?" Sirius asked.

"Yes" Remus sighed. "But she has adapted well" he added. "She even likes her wolf now"

"Can you tell me about that night?" Sirius pleaded, looking back to Remus.

"She doesn't remember a lot of it, so I can't tell you everything because i don't know myself" Remus pointed out. Sirius nodded slightly.

"She was nine" he started, Sirius sighing sadly. His heart breaking a little. She was so young. "I had set her up in bed, she went to sleep. I took myself out to the shed. I locked up, like every other full moon" he explained. "But she must have woken up, or faked being asleep because she got out. Went walking in the woods, running around as an Animagus. I only found out this year that it was Greyback that got her"

The Gryffindor Wolf - FredWeasley/OC 》》ON HOLD《《Where stories live. Discover now