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Riley emerged from her dorm showered and wearing a vest top and shorts. She grabbed a blanket and her wand and trotted down the stairs. Everyone seemed to be asleep, which made Riley slightly calmer.

That was until she saw Fred laying on the sofa. She contemplated running back up to her dorm, but then he turned and looked directly at her. He sat up and smiled slightly.

"C'mere, Love." He mumbled, holding out his hand.

Riley sighed, preparing herself to be embarrassed, and padded down the rest of the stairs and across to the sofa. She took his hand, and he guided to sit between his legs, so she did, with her back to his chest.

"You okay, Freddie?" She asked softly. He hummed a happy response as he wrapped his arms around her gently and rested his chin to her shoulder.

"Are you? How's your rib?" He asked.

"Just feels bruised." She hummed as she removed the blanket from around her shoulders and draped it over both their legs.

"Did George come and speak to you?" He chuckled.

"Yeah," She laughed gently. "He told me to relax around you."

"He told me the same thing." Fred laughed.

"He said we are a little uptight, and need to relax." Riley chuckled.

"Yeah, well, George is an idiot." He laughed. "I wouldn't take all of his advice if I were you."

"He is right though," She hummed as she leant back into his chest. "We are putting a lot of guards up, at least I know I am." She admitted.

"I think I am, too," Fred chuckled. "I don't want to rush you. It wouldn't be worth it." He sighed. "To lose you over a kiss or a touch that came too soon. And miss out on everything else." He smiled as he gave her a light squeeze. One of his hands moved up to stroke her hair, electric sparking in her skin where he touched.

"I do want you, Fred." She mumbled. "I do want to kiss you, and I want to let myself open up. So please don't think it's because I don't want it. I just get in my head a bit." She admitted.

"What worries you about it?" He asked sweetly.

"I worry that I wouldn't be a good kisser," She half joked. "And I worry that I'd hurt you, or get too attached." She chuckled.

"I can promise you I'm probably not a very good kisser either." He laughed. "I don't think I'd ever be able to think you're too attached." He reassured. "Whenever I'm not around you, I'm thinking about you, or wishing you were there." He smiled against her shoulder. "But how on earth do you think you could hurt me?" He chuckled.

"What if I were to imprint on someone else? Or I didn't end up being what you think I am?" She questioned.

"Riley, I've seen you threaten more people that I can remember, you've made me laugh more times than I can count. You have left your mark on me." He explained. "I don't think you could do anything to change that." He reassured. "And if you were to imprint on someone else and want them instead, then all I could do is let you go. You wouldn't be able to help it after all, so it wouldn't be fair for me to hold it against you." He chuckled slightly.

"I'm also worried that if we were to kiss, I wouldn't be able to stop. And things might get out of hand." She laughed slightly, blushing furiously.

"I worry about that too." He admitted. "But if it makes you feel any better, I would try to contain myself." He chuckled. "I mean, I can't expect you to. I am unnaturally attractive." He joked.

Riley laughed at his comment and slowly turned around to face him. She shuffled so she was laying, face down, with her legs between his and her head on his chest. His hand cupped the back of her head and stroked her hair gently with his thumb. After a little while he felt the girl on his chest get slightly heavier, and her breathing go deeper. He chuckled to himself as he realised she had fallen asleep. He pulled the blanket up higher up her back and placed a kiss on top of her head. He settled down and drifted off into a peaceful sleep, himself.

The Gryffindor Wolf - FredWeasley/OC 》》ON HOLD《《Where stories live. Discover now