40 {I finally managed}

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I finally managed to go to sleep after a few hours, and got woken up by Tsu.

"It's time to get up Raine, kero." She informed. I yawn and sit up, stretching my arms and legs. We all change into our gym uniforms to prepare for the day ahead and head out to go get breakfast. The guys begin exiting their room one by one. I got a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, and hashbrowns with juice and went to sit down. I yawn and nearly doze off until Izuku, Iida, and Ochaco sit down beside me. I glance at all of them confused.

"Good morning Y/n!" Iida did his iconic hand chops, assaulting the air violently as he smiled at me.

"... Good morning." I signed.

"This camp is doing wonders for training! I feel stronger already!" Iida declared before getting a mouthful of food and chewing it thoughtfully. 

"..." I nod then turn to Izuku. "Katsuki?" I signed.

"He wouldn't talk to me. Didn't even acknowledge my presence- even when I threw my slipper at him." Izuku shrugged. I sigh and lay my head down. Ochaco rubs my back, then gets shocked by the static, but she doesn't remove her hand. I'm thankful for her attempt at comforting me as I pick at my food. I look over my shoulder and see Katsuki sitting with Kirishima again. He's staring at his plate, eating as if nothing happened. I bite my lip and turn back to face our table.

... Annoying...

"Y/n, quit picking at your food and eat." Izuku orders. I glance at him and then at my plate.

"..." I flip my middle finger up at him and begin eating.

"You're such a child." Izuku rolls his eyes with a chuckle. "Thank you for eating." He smiles as he eats his food.

"... Whatever bro." I sign, a small smile on my face.

*Timeskip - After breakfast*

We all split off and began training. I went with Denki to work on hand-to-hand combat for a bit- until class 1-B appeared. I glance at them as they watch the brutal training my classmates are putting themselves through. Their faces were priceless. I held back a chuckle as I turned back to Denki who was running at me full speed. I flinched and just barely dodged a punch to the face, then I swept his legs out from under him. 

The air was knocked from his lungs as he landed on his back. "Ow-" His voice was airy as he tried to recollect himself. I cover my mouth- holding in my laughter as I stare at him. Suddenly, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I flinch and dash forward and turn around to see- Monoma?

"Hello, Midoriya." He smiles darkly. "How long has it been? 5 chapters?"

I scoff. "What do you want?" I sign. Denki groans in pain as he manages to stand up finally.

Monoma crosses his arms. "Vlad Sensei sent me over here to tr--- w--- y--..." His voice trailed off. I cupped my ear and leaned towards him. "Vlad Sensei sent me over here to train with you!" He shouted. I glance at Denki and he shrugs.

"Sure." I sign. "I presume you've already copied my quirk?"

"Nothing gets past you." He smiles, making sure that it is very noticeably fake. I smirk as I feel the electric currents run through my body. I see his eyes flash, signifying the electricity running through him. 

"Think you can keep up?" I smirk.

"Only one way to find out." He smirks back. 

"Ah- what do I do?" Denki asked. I glance at him before crouching in the dirt.

"Go back to training your quirk by unleashing it over there." I write and point towards the barren area.

"Alright!" He nods with a determined smile before running to the area to train his quirk.

"Wow, sparky over there is unable to determine what he needs to work on?" Monoma speaks with a condescending tone. In a flash, I appear in front of him. I twist my hips into a punch to his gut, but he activates his quirk and manages to dodge it narrowly. "Wow- feisty~" He smirks as he eggs me on. I glare at him and sprint at him. He runs from me. "Y'know, you were a lot scarier during the sports festival~" He teased. 

I scoff and speed up, electricity running through my legs. He notices the increase in speed and he panics slightly, barely showing it as he also speeds up. 

"Jeez. That Monoma guy is at it again." Sero made a face as he watched us.

"Focus on your training." Aizawa Sensei ordered, causing the tape slinger to flinch. 

"Oh, come now, is that as fast as you can go?" He eggs me on. I jump into the air, using the electricity to send me higher, and then I point my arm at Monoma. My eyes light up as I watch the electric current appear beneath his skin, and I control it to leave his body to mine. I wince as I feel a shock on my neck. When I land Monoma's eyes widen. "YOU CAN DO THAT!?" He asked as he realized he didn't have any more electricity inside him.

I nod and dust off my hands before appearing beside him and slamming my leg into his side, sending him flying into the side of the mountain. "... oops." I sign and cover my mouth before running over to him. The Sensei's and the Wild Wild Pussycats stopped to observe the situation.

Our classmates freeze, interested in what's happening. I grab his arm and assist him to help him get back up and he shoves me.

"Get off of me!" He glares at me. 

"I was trying to help." I knit my eyebrows as I sign.

"Well, I don't need it!" He snapped at me.

"I didn't mean to hit you that hard-"

"Would you shut up!? Gosh, you're so annoying!" Monoma rolled his eyes. I freeze.

A//N: ASSHOLE!!! Anyways- so ✨Yeet

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