41 {I froze as}

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I froze as the words left Monoma's mouth. "Gosh, you're so annoying!" He snaps at me. Time slows for me as the vile word bounces around inside my brain, echoing louder each time. I'm standing there like a deer in headlights as my eyes water involuntarily. "What," He scoffs. "You gonna cry? 1-A baby-"

Suddenly, the sound of explosions broke me out of my trance. I blinked and looked around for the source- only to see Katsuki flying at Monoma with the angriest look I've ever seen. He tackles Monoma to the ground and sits on his chest.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK BASTARD!!!" Katsuki shouted as he grabbed Monoma by the collar of his shirt. In the corner of my eye I saw Aizawa unravelling his capture scarf.

"Gah-! What!? You mad that I called her a baby?! Talk about sensitive-" 

I quickly move to Katsuki's side, panicking, trying to keep him from getting in trouble. I snap my fingers, trying to get his attention but he ignores it. I grab his arm and shake him, then he backhands me. My eyes widen as his hand backhands my face. I freeze.


My hand shakily moved to my face, where a mark was already forming, tears welling up in my eyes. Katsuki suddenly realizes what he did and his eyes shoot up at me, wide in shock.

"Shit- Y/n-" He stands up and moves to comfort me, but I take a step back.

"What. The. Fuck." I mouth, tears threatening to pour over.

"Y/n- I didn't mean-" He slowly tries to approach me again.

I shove him away and run into the forest, feeling little shocks on my cheeks as tears stream.

Katsuki tried to follow me. "Y/N-!" Aizawa caught him in his capture scarf before he could follow me.

"That's enough, Bakugou." Aizawa glares at him. 

"Dammit-! Let me go!" I can hear him struggling against Aizawa as I run deep into the forest. I keep running, running as far as I can. After a bit, I realized I had been using my quirk because my legs went numb and I hit the ground. I release soft sobs as I slowly force myself to sit up and use my arms to drag me over to a tree so I can lean against it.

"What did I do wrong?" I whisper as soft sobs escape me. "Why is he so irritable towards me?" I ask myself as tears streak my cheeks and drop into my lap. I hold my face in my hands, devastated.

"Y/n Midoriya? If you can hear me, please make your way back to camp." I hear Mandalay's soft voice in my head. She sounds, sympathetic.

"Fuck." I mutter. My legs are numb, so if I were to make it there in a timely manner, I'd have to walk on my hands. I try to stop crying, furiously wiping at the tortuous drops. "Alright, let's do this. This is training, nothing else." I tell myself softly as I look around for a way to hold my legs together. I see a vine and grab it, tearing it from its place. I tie my legs together and roll onto my stomach.

I take a deep breath before lifting myself into a handstand. I look in the direction of the camp, a determined look on my face. 

"I'm here to get better. Not cry." I whisper before I start teaching myself how to walk on my hands. I carry myself, and once I get closer, I can hear Izuku's voice.

"Y/n! Y/n!!! Where are you!?" He shouted. I allow myself to sit down on the ground, sitting upright, and clap as loud as I can. "Y/n, is that you!? Clap twice!"

I roll my eyes and clap twice. Within a matter of seconds, I see Izuku clear the brush, panting.

"Oh my god." He looks on the verge of tears as he runs at me and drops to the ground beside me, hugging me. "Don't ever run off like that again!"

"Sorry..." I whisper as I pat his back.

"It's alright, let's just get you back." He takes a deep breath as he stands up. "Let me guess, you overused your quirk?" He asks as he looks down at me. I nod. He sighs and crouches in front of me. "Hop on." He states. I nod before I tear the vine off of my leg and grab his shoulders to pull myself onto his back. He secures me by pulling my legs around his waist.

"What happened after I uh- ran away?" I whisper.

"Kacchan is basically in detention until dinner, along with Monoma."  Izuku explains. I nod and sigh.


I clench my jaw as Izuku carries me back to camp. The girls surround us when we get there.

"OMG Y/n we were so worried!" Toru exclaimed as she jumped beside me.

"Are you alright? Why is he carrying you?" Ochaco asked.

"She overused her quirk and now her legs are numb, so she can't walk." Izuku explains. I poke his shoulder. "Hm? Yeah?" He looks at me. I point at the ground as if saying I want down. "But- your legs-" 

"Just do it!"  He sighs and sets me on the ground. I turn to Yao-Momo. "Can you make me a rope?" 

"Sure." She nods before doing so. She hands it to me and I tie my legs together. 

"Look what I learned!" I sign excitedly. Yao-Momo translates for the girls and I hoist myself into a handstand and begin walking on my hands.

"Woah-!" Tsu exclaims.

"That's badass!" Kyoka exclaims.

"How did you learn that?" Ochaco asks excitedly.

I hold myself up on my non-dominant hand and write in the dirt. "I got a message from Mandalay and had to figure out how to get myself back here. My arms were fine, so I said screw it! Let's try it!"

"Ohhh! That's so cool!" Mina beams.

"Hey! Y/n Midoriya!" Mandalay hollers as she approaches us. "You alright kiddo?" She asks.

I nod and sit on the ground. She sighs in relief.

"Alright, well it's time to wash up, do you need help getting to the girl's room?" Mandalay asks. I shake my head. "Okay, well, see you ladies for dinner- and you too Midoriya." 

"See you." They all answered. I simply nodded. She walked away and I walked on my hands to the bathroom. Mina brought me clothes into the locker room as I disrobed and basically threw myself in the hot spring. I released a sigh from the feeling of the hot water around my body as I waited for the rest of the girls to show up.

"..." I stare at my reflection in the water.


A//N: WOOOOOH! LET'S GO! I WROTE 3 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!! Did I post em all in one day? No tehe... Please don't throw rocks at me ಥ‿ಥ ✨Yeet

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