12 {He shuddered at}

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He shuddered at my sudden anger. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!? YOU CAN'T USE IT PROPERLY YET! Like, good job for saving her, BUT WHAT THE FUCK!? DO YOU REALIZE HOW FUCKING WORRIED I WAS!? I ALMOST SHIT MYSELF WATCHING YOU DO THAT!" I angrily signed earning snorts from some people and confused glances from others.

"Y/n stop cussing so much!" Izuku gave me wide eyes as he shouted at me nervously.


"Okay, you seriously are acting like a mix of mom and Kacchan," Izuku muttered.

"TIME'S UP!" Present Mic shouted. Izuku looked like he was about to scream in sadness. I went on scolding him as a little old lady they call 'Recovery girl healed him. Katsuki met Izuku, me, and the girl by the front.

"Seriously, thank you again for saving my brother. I don't know what I'd do without my moron," I signed.

"Y/n! That's not nice! I am NOT translating that!" Izuku complained. I looked at Katsuki and he smirked.

"If you won't I will," He smirked at Izuku. Izuku gulped, but didn't speak. "She said 'Seriously, thank you again for saving my brother. I don't know what I'd do without my moron.' Did I get that right?" He asked me.

"Yes, you've gotten pretty fluent in Sign language now haven't you," I signed with a nod.

"It was no problem, if anything I should be thanking him, he did save me from the Zero pointer," She smiled. We went our separate ways. When the three of us got to the train station and got on a man was grinning at me.

"Um, may I help you?" I signed.

"Actually, you can," He got closer to me. I stepped backwards towards the boys. "With your body,"

"Yeah, no thanks," I signed as I stepped on Katsuki's toes on accident. I gave him an apologetic look as I turned back towards the man. He was literally two inches from my face. I felt Katsuki wrap his arms around me as he pulled me to the other side of himself, his arm still hugging me.

"Back off old man," He growled, earning the attention from the rest of the people on the train. "She's not interested,"

"Tch, what do you know? Did she say so?" He smirked.

"Yes actually," Katsuki returned the smirk. "And clearly you know sign language. So," He started to sign. "Keep your sorry ass away from my girl or else," I nearly choked on air. The guy growled as he stomped away. Izuku glared at the man.

"Excuse me? Since when was I your girl?" I signed to him with a slight smirk. He choked and I snorted.

He caught his breath and released me from his arm. "Shut up," He signed.

"No, tell me why you said that," I signed with a smile. I just wanna tease him while it last's.

"NO!" I swear I saw him blushing.

"Tell me or I'm telling Izuku and everyone that was in our class that you called me your girl," I continued to tease him.

"You tell anyone and I'll kill you!" He growled while he signed.

"Bite me pretty boy," I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I will," He smirked.

"Yeah yeah, but tell me," I signed.

"I only said that so he'd back off," He sighed.

"Pft- sure," I signed with a snort. He growled before I smiled at him. Before he could retaliate the train stopped and it was time to get off.

"Hey Kacchan, isn't your house that way?" Izuku asked as Katsuki walked beside me.

"Dumbass. There was a creep trying to advance on your sister. I know you aren't strong enough to protect her from him and she's too nice to shock some random dude. And if you look behind us, he's following. So I'll deal with him when you two weaklings get inside," Katsuki rolled his eyes. I glanced behind us and he was right. The man is following us. I made sure my hands were in front of me so he couldn't see them.

"Let's lead him to the park. We'll hide in the bushes and when he walks by we'll get him," I suggested.

"That's a good idea," Izuku said quietly.

"Fine, if that's what you really want to do," Katsuki sighed. When we got there we knew it was too dark for him to see us. I grabbed the hands of my brother and Katsuki and pulled them into a bush. When we heard footsteps Katsuki grabbed the feet and pulled, causing them to yelp. It was the voice of that man. We jumped out of the bush and I gave the lamps around us electricity so we could see.

"Did you really think we wouldn't notice?" I signed while I glared at the man. Katsuki dug his knee into his fat stomach as his face twinged in pain.

"If you know what's good for ya, you'll never come near this area again," Katsuki smirked as his hand glowed a bright red.

"ALRIGHT! I'LL LEAVE!" The man shouted. Katsuki stood up and pushed him as the man ran. Izuku looked at the man.

"Deku, go on ahead without us," Katsuki stated as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Izuku nodded and went home. I looked at Katsuki.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Date me," He answered. I choked on my spit.

"What!?" I asked with trembling hands.

"I said date me," He rolled his eyes then signed, "I said date me,"

"No no, I hear you, but, why?" I asked. "I thought you hated my guts," I signed.

"Well who cares? I guess you've grown on me. So, your answer?" He asked. I could here the slight pitch change up. He's nervous too.

A//N: YEET! find out the answer next week! Or just text me and ask :D. Anyways, YEETUS DELETUS! THAT'S MINETAS PENIS! YEETUS GOODBYEUS ~ Versailles7753

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