56 {A mission?}

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"A mission?" I signed.

"You have that second quirk, Crystal Cage." Aizawa reminded me. My eyes widened.

"Wait- are you saying-!"

"I'm saying we kidnap him back," Aizawa stated. My heart dropped. If Katsuki didn't hate me before, he'd certainly hate me after this. 


"Aizawa! You can't seriously expect my daughter to do something like that!" My mother scolded him. My eyes widened as she shouted. Mom? "Can't you see how exhausted she is!? Both physically and mentally!?"

"Momma, what's Mitsuki doing?" I signed. 

"Mitsuki... She is stuck between breaking down into sobs, and an uncontrollable rage." My mom frowned.

"..." I clenched my fist.

"Y/n, put that saviors complex away." Mom pointed at me and I flinched.

"Mom, please." I knit my eyebrows while I pleaded.

"Y/n, you're still healing. I can't let you go back out there after him. I can't even let you go back to school!" She looked on the verge of tears. My eyes widened. I hopped off the bed and stood in front of her, a panicked expression on my face. I grabbed her shoulders, my mouth moving, but no words coming out. "I can't sit at home knowing you and your brother are getting so damaged at this school."

"Momma no-" I kept trying to speak, but the words weren't coming out. I bit my lip and tears welled up in my eyes. It's all my fault... I shouldn't have pressured Izuku into coming with me to get Katsuki... 

"Mrs. Midoriya, if I may-" Aizawa tried to step in.

"No!" Mom shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held eye contact with me. It looked like her decision was tearing her heart in two. She wanted to protect us, but she hated to do this. "I can't, I can't let my babies hurt themselves anymore."

It's all my fault...

I'm a nuisance to those around me.



I ran out of the hospital room.

"Y/N!!!" My mom and Aizawa shouted. I ran through the halls and rounded a corner. I ran into Kirishima, my nose ramming right into his chest. I fell back onto my rump and rubbed my nose. I looked up at Kirishima. My eyes went wide.

"Ah- are you alright?" He asked as he extended an arm to me. 

"Y/n, where did you go!?" I heard my mom's voice coming down the hallway. I flinched as I glanced over my shoulder, then looked back at Kirishima. He looked toward the sound of my mom's voice, then back at me. My eyes were pleading with him to not give away my location. He sighed and dropped his arm, not looking at me. I nodded and scurried past him. I ran and hid in a bathroom, knowing if I ran out of the hospital I'd get in more trouble.

After a few hours of hiding around the hospital, I started to get tired. I yawned and began walking back to my room. I got there and it was empty. I sighed and got back into the hospital bed. ... Maybe- no... that's a dumb idea... but- maybe I could do this mission... no, mom would kill me. I thought before I went to sleep.

"Y/n-" I heard a familiar voice. "Y/n- wake up!" I opened my eyes and it was Yao-Momo.

I sat up. "Hey Yao-Momo- what's up?" I asked.

"They're discharging you today!" She smiled. My eyes widened.


"Yep! And- your mother said that if you're up for it, you and I can hand out today!" She smiled excitedly.

"Sure!" I nod. "Let me get dressed-"

"Here, Midoriya brought some clothes for you." She held a pile of neatly folded clothes up to me. It was a F/c t-shirt with a black hoodie and black jeans that have tears in the knees. I smiled and took them from her. "I'll wait for you out in front of the hospital." She declared.

"Alright, see you then!" I smiled back at her as she walked out. When she closed the door I started changing. Once I was ready I went outside with all of my belongings and found Yao-Momo, Tsu, and Denki. I looked at Tsu and Denki with a confused look.

"We wanted to come with you too!" Denki smiled. "I may not be able to understand sign language, but that didn't stop us before."

I smiled softly as he explained, then I gave Tsu a confused look. I felt guilty about being hostile the last time I saw her. "I wanted to check on you. Kero. Your brother told us about what happened. A lot of us assumed you wouldn't want to see us since we weren't sensitive to your situation when Bakugou got kidnapped, that's why we didn't visit you in the hospital."

"I was scared that you guys didn't want to see me because I was hostile..." I signed hastily.

"It was a tense situation, both sides could have done better. But, what's important now, is that you've finally gotten the medical attention you needed, and you've been discharged from the hospital, kero." She smiled. I smiled softly.

"Thank's Tsu."

"No problem Y/n." 

"Alright, well, let's go!" Yao-Momo smiled brightly with excitement. 

"Yeah!" Denki smiled back. Tsu and I nodded, and we allowed Yao-Momo to lead us away. "So Y/n, you can't exactly write in the dirt here- how are we gonna conversate?" I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. "You'll use your phone? How?" He looked at my phone with curiosity. Then he gasped. "Is it connected to your brain!?"

My eyebrow twitched and I signed, "Make a contact for yourself."

"She says to make a contact for yourself. Kero." Tsu translated.

"oH- that makes sense." He laughed nervously as he did so. He handed it back to me.

"Before Katsuki knew sign language, this is how I talked to him." I smiled as I texted it to Denki.

"Oh that's cool!" Denki beamed as he checked the message.

"We're here!" Yao-Momo beamed as we got to a flea market. I tilted my head in confusion. Why would a rich girl like Yao-Momo bring us to a flea market? "EEE I'm so excited!" She smiled. "Let's go!"

A//N: We love Yao-Momo ✨ Yeet 

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