Dark Warden

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The expedition started okay. Jumping is easy. Landing is rough. Hurray for high Constitution, otherwise someone would have broken their ankle and they really don't need that on top of everything else.

And no incident or "unfortunate" landing position. Or piled up one after another. That ought to be annoying.

Finding the nest is also easy. Lee Gilyoung's skill come very handy in the darkness. They don't have to crawl their way blindly. Seriously. His power has the potential to be OP. Wonder if he can control Insect-type monsters, like 'Shin Yoosung' controls Beast monsters, or if he is limited to normal insects?

It doesn't take them too long to find the nest.

It starts with an Item Box. Since their group is genre savvy enough to know Good Things Come with a Catch, they did a wait-and-see basis.

[Constellation 'Trash' of the Count Family Approve Your Decision]

[2,000 Coins have been Sponsored]

Coins aside, they soon saw how the Item Box was surrounded by many Ground Rats, which were throwing something and exchanging information with each other. The room is illuminated by black fire, flames made with dark ether. Mia-yah once asked him why black flame could light up a dark room and honestly? Kim Dokja chalks it up as fantasy mumbo-jumbo rather than trying to find the physics behind the mechanism. Easier on his brain. This place was the Core of Dark Root, so it has many Dark Ether to burn. Enough to illuminated the place.

And speak of roots...

"It's all because of Sangah-ssi!"

Their target was tied up by roots.


"Because of me, what do you mean by that?"

"I-if Yoo Sangah hadn't take the subway, the situation won't be like this!"

[Constellation Demon-Like Judge of Fire Hates Incarnation Han Myungoh]

The argument continues, and it devolves into the man not-so-quietly admitting to petty thief because he got rejected.

Kim Dokja can only stare blankly at the idiot who still fails to grasp his situation and resorts to petty remarks. Or did stress catch up to him and he snapped under the pressure?

[Constellation 'Master of Steel' is Facepalming at the Ridiculousness of the Situation]

Funny. There was a smacking sound and when Kim Dokja glanced back, he saw Lee Hyunsung was facepalming also. Mia-yah is patting his side in commiserate.

[Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband Hates this Trivial Argument]

Join the Club.

It got so... crazy... that Jung Heewon marched out of their hiding place and slashed any Ground Rat in her path before she punched Han Myungoh with a mean left hook.

[Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is Pleased]

[100 Coins have been Sponsored]

"Seriously, Heewon?!" Lee Hyunsung exclaimed as he shot out, defending her from the Ground Rat incoming from her blind spot. "Can you be more patient?"

"This old man infuriates me!" She replied while slashing the root around Sangah, freeing her.

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