Interlude: Comparison

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"Has it already started?!" Choi Jung Soo panted as if he had run a marathon.

In a way, he did.

He had to check on Original Kim Dokja, Demon King of Salvation/the Second Most Ancient Dream, after the Entity interfered with Worldline Beta despite knowing the Probability Storm was going to be crazy.

After all, there's another version of him in this worldline, so his existence can be detected as 'Bug' and the price for small interference is crazy.

(There's a reason why the former Most Ancient Dream did not interfere. Not because he didn't want to, but because he was blocked at any and every turn)

Cue finding out the suicidal squid sacrificed his Vocal Cord and currently regrowing it at cost making himself appear smaller and younger until he can collect enough Probability to fill the gap to retain his adult size.

Seriously. That cute new Dongsaeng of his is lucky his Hyungs are willing to donate some probability to speed the recovery.

"Don't worry, you didn't miss much." Lee Soo Hyuk replied, this time he was taking his original Ability User form. "The kids are taking the Zone near the Monster Spawning Area, most likely so they can be more efficient in taking them out while staying safe."

"So, it was the adults who took the other one."

They watched as Lee Hyunsung blocked the bear-like monster and allowed Yoo Sangah to yank Lee Jihye.

The shift of taking breaks was Lee Jihye -> Lee Hyunsung -> Jung Heewon -> Kim Dokja -> Yoo Joonghyuk.

They will change shifts every one and a half hours.

Not the best plan, but that was all they could come up with, and frankly, better than Kim Dokja's plan in Canon.

Trauma is Not Fun to revisit.

"I'm glad he use his brain to think a better idea than simply sacrificing himself."

"Oh, like what you would do?"

The redhead is suddenly deaf.

"This reminds us of when the Shelter fell, doesn't it?" Lee Soo Hyuk commented. "Albeit on smaller, and weaker scale."

Choi Jung Soo laughed. "These people would complain if they hear your words." But he did not refute it.

Why bother? It was the truth.

The one they faced in their Seoul was worse.

For one, it lasts for a whole day. Twenty-Four fucking hours. Not eight. For another, they did NOT get warnings. It was one minute the shelter was still working, then suddenly, BAM! The barrier did not work! Leaving them scrambled in trying to figure out what to do to survive the attack. Not to mention the monster keeps getting stronger with each wave.

Though the premise was similar. Hmm... both Park Jin Tae and Gong Pildu have similar treatment of people, not to mention their powerset. The latter got turrets granted by Defense Master via Stigma, though, while the former actually owns that Ability.

(He hopes Defense Master is not some alternate self of that ass. Sure, he didn't like Park Jin Tae's differential treatment between ability user and non-ability user, but knowing Defense Master's backstory, as sparse as it was, Cale really would never wish such fate to befall upon his former comrade.

Being left alone suck)

Through the screen they how the Dokkaebi decide to get rid of some Zone. Notably, the ones that can only hold one person.

"Wow." Kim Namwoon took a small break from shooting to down a Mana Potion (Cale thinks he should discreetly send better quality ones), "So glad we didn't go that route. Imagine going through all the trouble only to have it end up useless in the end!"

"Rude, but also, point." Yoo Joonghyuk used the time to check on Kim Dokja. Both of them did not come unscathed, but so far nothing that cannot be fixed with some bandages. At this point, they can handle the monsters just fine. It was not strong, but they came in large quantity.

"If I remember correctly, the monster waves with increase difficulty every few hours will come at the later scenario." Choi Jung Soo tapped his chin. "I think that was when they got into trouble with a cultist."

"Eugh. Cultist." Cale makes a face. Remembering his very own Cultist.

Between Clopeh and Nirvana, he doesn't know which one is worse. Both of them have way too many missing screws and a creepy obsession with their object of worship.

(He feels Yoo Joonghyuk on a Spiritual level. He really does.)

"Speak of cultist, neither of them have met that Prophet, haven't they?"

"No." Lee Soo Hyuk answers. "Or rather, not yet."

They have doubts she can predict things when it comes to the Dark Horse of this worldline.

"If she's having any self-preservation, she better stay away from Kim Dokja and his company. Particularly, Yoo Joonghyuk." Cale snorted. "This version is possessive, even if he tried his best to tone it down."

The Dark Keeper Incident comes to mind.

Back at the Scenario, once the monsters are done attacking the weaker Incarnations, they refocus on the 'preys' who actually have some fangs and are not afraid to use them.

"Round Two, Guys." Kim Dokja warned. "Hyunsung, if you want to switch, do it now. I'll cover you."

"I can still fight. It's not yet my time."

"Don't push yourself too hard, teddy bear." Jung Heewon slapped his back before they got into position. "Even the sturdiest shield will break if keep taking damage."

She understands why Kim Dokja said what he said. All of them do.

Being a Tank is not easy. One has to be sturdy and steadfast. Blocking such attack take a toll on strength. If he relaxed even for a fraction of a second, he would be toppled over. Even with stats boosted by coins, he cannot afford to drop his guard when on duty.

"I know. But I'll still do my best."

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