Lee Jihye's Resolution

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"I say it was a shame we haven't found Golden Compass."

"Eh? Why Unnie?"

"Because," at this Lee Jihye shot a smirk at their resident Bear. "One of its important characters is a Polar Bear."

"Jihye, no."

"Oh come on." Just one moreeeee~

"Absolutely no."

"Just one more."

"I'm not doing your We Bare Bears checklist!"

But it was such a waste! We got Brown/Black Bear, we got Panda, and all that's left is Polar Bear!

"I'm just saying, you guys are hypocrites."

"You're still hung up on it?"

"Of course! Who was it who confiscated my Flamethrower in the first place and—"

"Alright, alright. No need to throw hands." Ugly Ahjussi breaks the fight. "We almost done with the Dungeon."

"So, all that's left is the Boss, right?" Jihye looked at the stairs. "Let's go finish it!"

She picked up the pace.

"Oi! Wait!"

"Hey, don't be hasty! The boss is—"

Glancing back she grin when Ahjussi chased after her and—


"Seriously?! One more?!"

Light blinds her vision. She can't get used to this sensation even after so many movies she went through.

Huh. Oh, it seems she had finally arrived. Lee Jihye can feel her feet standing on something... solid-ish. She tapped down. Wood. Huh. The ground moved. And this salty smell... sea? Again?! She had seasickness dangabit! Why she has to take part in a sea-based movie?! Yeah, her sponsor is called Maritime War Admiral, but even Jihye is puzzled as to why! Don't ask her!

Jihye open her eyes, disgruntled with the content of her stomach is ready to rebel... again. And yet when she finally grasps where she is—

("Crybaby! Hey!" A girl with short black hair grinned at her.)


Lee Jihye took a step back, hands pressed against her mouth as she suddenly had a whole different reason to feel nauseous.

"Not this." Whimpers escape her lips. "Not this one... not this... anything but that film!"

("You sure you wanna blow your allowance for this?"

"Whaaaat? This is a good film! I mean, we basically gonna learn history! Imagine if we passed out History test because of this film!"

"Oooooh! Goodbye boring book!"


"Everyone! Duck!"

Lee Jihye feel how she was pulled aside and made to huddle under a makeshift shelter from the rain of artillery. She vaguely heard dialogue from the movie, of how the Soldiers command the ship to turn around and tried to mitigate the damage they took.

"Uh, sooo... how are we gonna blow those up?"

"We can reena—what the actual fuck? Where is the rest of the armada?!"

"Don't tell me that shitty Dungeon Master—!"

"Oi! Oi!" Lee Jihye felt a pair of hands shake her roughly. "Oi! Your Constellation is Maritime guy something right?! Do something!"

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