Tangled Up?

564 34 6

Kim Dokja has suspicion.

He had been casted as Flynn Rider, and boy, wasn't it a surprise to enter the scene as he was being chased for theft?! He was thankful his experience allowed him to dodge the arrows or some would have lodged in his skull!

He can hear snickers from the Constellation despite the message being written in Indirect Sentences!

And this horse is so sassy what the fuck? Is all horse this sassy or was it just this one?

Dammit. The freefall hurts. He manages to minimalize the injury, hurray for coin-enhanced endurance! 'cept now he has to hid from that sassy af horse and find where Mia-yah and Joonghyuk-ah is.

Oh wait.

Maybe they're at Rapunzel tower. It was just down this cave. Already he can see the stone tower.

"Time to follow the plot a little." He muttered to himself as he took out two arrows and began to use them as climbing tool.

He wonders who's the Rapunzel. Maybe it's Mia-yah? She gonna make a tsundere Rapunzel, which gonna be hilarious. Joonghyuk-ah gonna be a grumpy Pascal who would posturing comically to intimidate others. Looks like it's up to Kim Dokja to intimidate the fools away from the little princess.

"Uff!" He huffed as he hauled his ass on that window. "Goddamn Mother Gothel and damn her possessiveness. And damn Princess locked in tower tropes!" If he want to kidnap someone, locking them in a goddamn tower in middle of nowhere is pretty much giant Red Flag for any passerby!

"Orabeoni! You're finally here!"

Oh that's Mia—huh. "Mia-yah? Where are you?" He didn't see the girl.

"Down here."

He looked to the side, and saw a small chameleon look at him expectantly.


"Who else?"

Wait. If she is Pascal the chameleon then...

Kim Dokja's eyes trailed on the insanely long dark hair, that goes everywhere, before it ends with...

[Constellation Demon-Like Judge of Fire Squealed and Exclaim Incarnation Yoo Joonghyuk is Pretty!]

[500 Coins Have Been Sponsored!]

[Constellation Queen of Darkest Spring Smiles Mischievously]

[500 Coins Have Been Sponsored!]

[Constellation Black Wings Embrace Lost Ones Wolf-Whistle]

[Constellation Secretive Plotter is Bemused]

Eyebrows seemingly drawn by a single, uninterrupted stroke of a famed artist's brush; a nose and a chin shaped in perfect angles that defied attempts to measure them through mere devices of men. Wide, black, sultry eyes that Kim Dokja could never get boring looking at. His thick, curly hair is really soft to the touch and that was when it was short! Now? Now with Rapunzel-length hair, it was like endless waves of darkness. Like perfect starless night sky and Kim Dokja wanting no more than to brush them and decorate them with gems and flowers and everything beautiful.

And the outfit. Oh gods. The dress looks good on him! He means, it would be better if it was darker color, but holy guacamole! The upper part of the dress hugged his biceps nicely and outlining his tits! Not like the Spy outfit he got from Fifth Floor, no, but this one somehow softening his Macho outline into something softer, something girly.

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