The nightmare sent De jumping awake. His chest heaving up and down heavily. He pushed the imagine of him killing his own mother out of his head. The middle child was battling heavy with a great amount guilt and karma the past few days. Although he knew he did not literally kill his mother, he felt it was his fault. He was a big banger and took lives of rivals with his get-them-before-they-get-me mentality.
Karma was an inevitable thing and so was it potentially skipping the person that done the act and attach to someone they love. De would've given his life for his mother and the fact he loves her that much he felt the universe was punishing him and showing every night in his dreams of him raising a gun and killing his mother the same way as his father.
The guilt of him blaming himself bothered him so much that he couldn't sleep; now more than ever. He didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to swallow his emotions with a bottle of Hennessy because he didn't want to turn back into what he was: an alcoholic. He used to be the worst kind and he worked too hard to pull himself out of that space for the sake of his son and keeping ahold of a successful career. He replaced the bottle with sex, and oh how good it felt.
De exhaled sharply, bouncing his gaze around the room lit by the moon. He got a look at the clock reading three twenty-one in the early morning before his gaze rest on Jayla laying asleep on her side. He need to take some pressure off and he knew the best way to do it.
He laid back down, positioning behind her and pulling her closer with an arm around her waist. He kissed on her neck, making Jayla shift awake partially and feel a sensation flow in her body by the swirling of his tongue.
"Baby," Jayla called tiredly, "you know I'm tired."
"That's why Daddy gon' do all the work, baby." he promised, moving his hand down her tummy and the harden feel made him stop where his mind was at and lifted up on his elbow. "Yo' stomach hard."
Aktuelle LiteraturBOOK #7 || De'Aundre Booker balancing life in modern day society after years in prison.