A nightmare 🥺

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Klaus was having some peaceful sleep with Camille in his arms... The gentle human who loved him despite knowing all the horrors she knew about him... The horrors he had told her himself... And he loved her for her pure self, her innocent heart, and her love for him without reasons or except anything in return... He woke up from his sleep on a strange wetness on his fingers and the smell of blood stopped his heart.. He woke up from his sleep, terrified, inspecting the sleeping body in his arms.. He was shocked to see her neck slit and her blood drowning her neck and chest.. When and how did this happen? How did someone attack her while she was sleeping in his arms? How did he not feel it? Since when had he been such a heavy sleeper? He held the lifeless body in his arms, repeating in a voice dripping with pain "No... Camille... No... please don't leave me"

Camille woke up to painful murmurs next to her.. She turned on her right side to see Klaus's face in pain.. He was shaking his head, apparently rejecting something horrific that he saw in his sleep.. It seemed his imagination was drawing a terrifying picture for him that his mind rejected.. She shook him gently, trying to wake him from his bad dream.. She whispered tenderly so as not to frighten him more "Klaus.. What's going on?"

Klaus woke up looking at her with wide eyes.. He realized the lifeless body was just a dream.. A dream drawn by his imagination from the heart of his fears.. He took a deep breath to reassure his heart that she is fine.. He placed his hand on her cheek and said in a gentle, though hoarse, voice "Just a nightmare.. I didn't want to wake you up"

Camille helped him go back to sleep again, saying in a tender whisper that she poured directly into his ear "Hey, no matter what it was, I will always be with you"

He closed his eyes again and whispered in a low voice that Camille didn't hear.. Her saying touched his heart and helped him to say freely without fear "I love you.. I will never stop loving you"

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