Diary 📖 II

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In one of the big hotels in Venice, Klaus opened the small bag in which he had put his precious belongings before leaving New Orleans.. He took out a small black journal that was surrounded by a black ribbon and had a heart golden lock and a key.

 He took out a small black journal that was surrounded by a black ribbon and had a heart  golden lock and a key

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That journal is now considered one of his greatest possessions.. On the first page, there was a name that his heart longed for.. Camille.. He run his finger over the letters of her name with longing.. Then he flipped through many of the letters he had written to her, which she hadn't had the opportunity to read.. He picked up his pen to write a new letter to her:

My dear Camille

Life became crazier than it was.. It became less noisy and more lonely.. I had been alone for a long time.. I had adapted to the fact that I would remain alone.. Then suddenly life became generous to me.. I discovered my adopted son was still alive at the same time in which I knew I would have a child of my own blood... It was the same time I met you... It was also the same time my family gathered around me... And look at me now, alone and homeless, far from all my loved ones... I can't approach any of them.. Not my daughter, nor my son, nor my sisters, nor my brothers, nor even Hayley.. I'm carrying within me part of an angry spirit that is trying to harm my daughter.. I'm also carry dark thoughts which have grown over the years, and now those thoughts are feeding on my sanity.. I am alone, Camille.. You too left me and gone far away.. Life played a vile game with me.. It gave me a lot when I didn't expect anything from it, and suddenly, with the utmost cruelty, it snatched everything from me.. It showed me what true happiness means, and then when I had barely tasted it, it tore up all the reasons for my happiness before my eyes.. Sometimes I wish that heaven had visiting hours so I could swing by and ask your advice.. To tell you what's on my mind.. Maybe I'll show you some of my many letters to you.. I'll write to you again soon.. I miss you Camille.. Will you come to visit me in my dreams? I will be satisfied with a small dream with you being there.. I love you so much

Your hundred dollar guy

Klaus closed the notebook and carefully put it back in his bag.. Then Klaus put his head on the pillow, trying to catch a few minutes of sleep.. Perhaps he would dreamed of her hanging out with him around the city she wanted to visit.. When he left New Orleans, all he could think of was Venice as his first place of eternal wandering.. Nothing came to his mind except that city, just so he might feel close to her, even if she is there among the heavens far away from him.

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