There's A Reason Why You're Clumsy, I Promise | mini chapter

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You have had your soulmate strings for as long as you knew what the color red was. The bright red strings tied to seven of your fingers- two strings sharing the same finger- went in various directions. You were known to be a clumsy child- always tripping over air and getting yourself hurt. At least, the air is what everyone else could see you trip on. Only you could see the glowing threads twirling and twisting around you, the loose strings representing the distance between you and your fated people. Your other pieces.

When you had told people about your glowing red finger-strings, every adult told you to be silent about how many you had. Everyone told magical stories of soulmates and how they were the people you were meant to find. They were your home.

And ever since, you attentively watched how loose or tight your strings got. What direction they led never eluded you. It brought you a sense of comfort- knowing what direction they were in. It was a silent guarantee, a silent assurance that they were out there somewhere. Your heart was already filled with so much love for the people you hadn't even met yet. Some days you awoke with severe paranoia. You had read plenty of horror stories of people's strings turning black. A sign of their soulmate dying. It was rumored that it was a blinding, indescribable pain, losing your soulmate.

Some people didn't have a sign before the pain of their soulmate dying. Those whose soulmate bond is unknown until they meet them for example- they'd have no warning. Just pain. At least with red strings, you'd have something of them. A sad sign of what could have been. You told yourself this as some odd way of comforting your paranoia- your strings were so bright they glowed every second of every day- no sign of fading in sight.

Soulmate pairs or groups share the same soulmate bond, so you and the rest of your soulmates have red strings with you and most likely each other. While it wasn't exactly frowned upon to have more than one soulmate, people with more than three were rare.

You cherished all 8 of yours. You had strings spread out across both hands, each hand having four. Although your right pointer had two- instead of another going on your pinky. Neither of your thumbs bared a string but besides those three fingers, the rest had rings of red tied around the first joint.

As a kid, your strings didn't change direction much- a few shifting slightly every once in a while, but once you got into your teens that changed. Slowly but surely, all the strings started to point in one direction and by the time you were 18, they all lined up. You were only slightly jealous- it's a little unfair they all got to find each other (you just knew that they found each other- something deep inside you told you so.) before you found at least one, but your trust in fate didn't waver.

When you graduated high school, you made it your mission to find them. A mission that was surprisingly, (not), difficult. You had to have met your soulmate already to qualify for a soulmate VISA, so you'd have to go on the hunt without the aid of the government.

Somehow you found yourself traveling anyway. You studied abroad, learned different languages, visited various places, and educated yourself on many different cultures. You allowed fate to tug you along your path, and you took every bump in the road with stride- you tuned every bump into a ramp for flight. Even though you had yet to find your soulmates, you had still found yourself a purpose. And you knew that once you found them, you'd love life even more.

You'd finally found them. Your home. 

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