Ohhh So That's Why You're Literally Everywhere (this is totally foreshadowing)

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Your plans for the afternoon (more like lack thereof) had been foiled by your unexpected soulmate encounter. He refused to let you walk anywhere and adamantly ignored your arguing about how nice the weather was. You wilted a little as you climbed into his really nice company car, the smell of after rain and cigarettes fading as an expensive car smell quickly took its place. You didn't pout for long- how could you when you had a sweet face such as Jeongin's facing you, eyes shy and cheeks tinted pink with a fluster.

You both had managed to quell any questions you had for the other in favor of the show you both were meant to be invested in, but as soon as you sat down in a quiet hole-in-the-wall restaurant (per your suggestion), the inquiries buzzed around you and Jeongin both.

The lights inside the small restaurant were soft, and the walls glowed like they had a light-yellow watercolor brush against them. Windows rounded at the top accented the walls nicely, and the darkening color of the late evening sky was an intense contrast to Jeongin's bright white outfit. You two sat across from each other- your legs stretched out to each other's side, sandwiched between each other. The café was quiet, lo-fi playing faintly in the background and you greeted the owners with a wave when they noticed you sitting down. It was a simple, yet cute Mom and Pop restaurant and ever since you stumbled in, you'd managed to find time to visit and make friends with the family every time you came to Paris.

After asking Jeongin what he wanted to drink, you told the waiter your drink orders. Your eyes flittered down to the menu for a moment, looking but not really reading; you already knew what you wanted to order. They had all kinds of food options- Vegan, Gluten-Free, and if you told them about any allergy they would always accommodate. It was one of the reasons you loved going, and why you suggested you and Jeongin come. The food was always fantastic, but you didn't know what Jeongin eats so you wanted to make sure he had plenty of options.

"So, you- you work for McQueen?" Jeongin's voice was small, and he stole short glances at you before his eyes returned to the menu (which he most definitely couldn't understand.)

"Yes, they hired me for their Spring Show. I don't exclusively work for them- I guess you could call my job here a gig. They hired me solely for their Paris show."

Jeongin gave a quiet hum, intrigue burning in his dark eyes of mystery. You could easily pick out his silent plea for you to explain more.

"I work as a foreign policies manager. That's the best way to explain it, I guess. Companies hire me to handle all the international aspects of their big event. So, I arrange everything for international guests, collaborations with foreign companies, and everything to do with foreign policies. For example, I arranged everything from your flight to your hotel, and to the car you'd be traveling in while you're here. Everything the company provided for you (me as your translator included), was put together by me."

As you explained your job, Jeongin's mouth slowly from a shocked, yet impressed 'o' as he tried to think of everything your job may entail. The more he thought about it, the more awed he was. Especially if you did that for larger events than just the McQueen show- any international events and you must keep track of hundreds of foreign guests. You found his awe-struck face adorable, and you smiled and looked at him with a soft look in your eyes.

"Have you ever done anything like MTV's Video Music Awards?" His head slightly tilted to the side as he spoke. You were extremely tempted to lean across the table and smother his face with kisses- but you restrained.

"No, but I know they wanted to hire me for this year's. Unfortunately for them, I was already hired for another event around the same time, and I wasn't going to be able to juggle both. I live by integrity and that company had gotten to me first," You shook your head, it would be a dream come true to help arrange the VMAS, and you hoped to get another opportunity. But you had already put in so much work for the other event and you were well off and well renowned already you didn't exactly need the exposure of the VMAS. You knew the award show would have gone smoother if you had worked it, but they'll just have to try again with you next year. You told Jeongin that as well, "I'm hoping they offer me the job again next year, it's an opportunity I wouldn't miss again."

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