Every Stay's Dream

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Your first time in the penthouse with them was a blast- even after an upsetting reveal.


"We can't just do nothing!" You whisper-yelled, slightly furious at the seven men before you (even more at the 8th sitting on the couch.) The 8 of you stood in a circle in front of the apartment stairs, having a secret soulmate meeting about the problem on the sofa. Hanging out at their penthouse with all of them for the first had been going amazing- until it wasn't.

This was the first time you'd witnessed Bang Chan's workaholic tendency to stay up far into the early morning on his laptop. And you were not happy. You understood the production grind, but it physically hurt all of you to see him like that. You glanced around at the sweet faces around you- Han and Felix's worn and bitten lips, Seungmin's frustrated eyes, Jeongin's sad ones, Changbin's clenched jaw, Hyunjin's frown lines, and Minho's furrowed eyebrows. They were sick of seeing him like this and you felt anger lick at your insides. How long had they had to watch Chan run himself down?

Minho, looking only slightly alarmed at your anger, spoke softly but fierce enough to assure you of the sad fact, "We hate it just as much as you do. We've tried everything; I promise you we have."

You sat there, tears creeping up behind your eyes. He can't keep doing this to himself, you thought. That's when your head shot up, and you looked at each soulmate in turn, a mischievous smirk slowly indenting itself on your face.

A devilish grin of his own formed on Felix's face as he recognized the look on your face- identical to the one you wore the day you guys tried the wedding cake as fake fiancés. His warm honey eyes brightened as hope sparkled.

Biting your lip to stop your cackling you addressed them all.

"You haven't tried everything."


"Baby. At least take a break..." You shuffled over and sat right next to Chris. The couch cushion dipped under your weight, and Chan side-eyed you, not moving. Humming echoed throughout the house, the laptop fan running overtime from hours of use in his lap. You didn't want to think of the back pain he'd feel later from his horrible posture.

"Just a couple more touch-ups." He muttered; exhaustion laced in every syllable. His eye bags were dark, the blue light from his laptop burning holes in his retinas. His hands held a tiny tremble- the glowing ruby-colored string tied to his ring finger matched the tremble. He looked sickly, overworked, and tired. You swallowed, his state upsetting you.

Beginning your plan, you lightly traced patterns and swirls on his knee. The texture of his dark-wash jeans tickled the swirls of your fingerprint. His breath hitched, ears turning a pretty shade of pink as your fingers traveled further up his thigh. You looked at him, your eyes as sultry as you could make them, and tilted your head. You watched Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, a lustful smile on your face. His hands shook slightly, and you were sure he wasn't actually processing the music playing from his laptop. You shifted yourself so your lips were just against his rosy ear, blowing cold breath into it, making Chan shiver.

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