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The weather was phenomenal in Paris that day. The ambiance of the city was just perfect for filming. Which was going great, and hopefully he would be done by the late afternoon. Felix had been on a lunch break from filming his interview vlog for Louis Vuitton. And he hadn't lied- Paris was freeing. He felt light- the crisp air of the City of Love was refreshing and invigorating. Felix decided to make the most of his trip here before things picked back up again. All his stress seemed to dissipate as he strolled along the Seine, the fresh mountain smell of the river easing him into peace. Felix failed to notice you walking quickly towards him- his head turned towards the famous river with his drink poised at his lips.  

You were late. Extremely late. Briskly walking, your mind ran faster than your legs. You were almost running next to the Seine, the light wind of midday cooling off your warming face. This morning had not been great- you'd mixed up your bags and ended up having to change three different times and your luck wasn't about to get much better. Stress and panic pooled in your gut- erasing all thoughts of caution from your head. Before your mind could catch up with your legs, you had already collided with someone- their drink spilling all over their light gray tank.  

"Oh mon Dieu, je suis vraiment désolé!" You apologized. Your body buzzed with the skin contact you had made with the man, your frazzled mind not registering anything going on around you.  

"It's alright... ça va!" The man proclaimed; he quickly noticed your genuine distress. Felix forced his body to relax, despite the slight shiver he received from the wind blowing against the cold stain of his shirt. 

Before you could say anything further, your breath hitched- You recognized him. His dark eyes darted around, carefully analyzing the situation. Eyes quickly shifting around his face, you found yourself struggling to breathe. His dark beanie kept just enough of his hair out of the way for his slim face to be visible. His freckles stood out against his pale complexion, easily visible due to the bright sun reflecting off the sparkling water of the Seine.  


Felix watched as you snatched your phone out of your pocket and made a phone call in rapid French. Even with his reasonable knowledge of French, you spoke too fast he struggled to keep up. As soon as you hung up the call, you spun to face him. 

"I am so very sorry, monsieur, I have just called to get you a new shirt immediately if you'll kindly tolerate my presence for a moment more." 

Felix blinked. That was not expected at all.  

"P-pardon?" He stuttered out.  

You didn't respond as your fingers flew around your phone's keyboard. Your eyes shone with guilt, yet a quiet determination, and Felix couldn't help but stare at the way your teeth bit at the worried skin of your lips. That's when he noticed it.  

The red string around your left ring finger.  

But before he could say anything, a black van pulled up on the road beside him, the wheels smoothly running across the concrete. The van was sleek and appeared fancy and well taken care of- Felix stood, slightly impressed and intimidated. Swiftly, you made your way to the window and returned only seconds later with an exact replica of the shirt he wore. (Minus the stain.) 

"Wha- how???" Felix gaped, his mouth trying to form words, but it all died in his throat. 

"Long story short- I work for Vuitton and I know you aren't done filming and I'd feel far too guilty letting you return with a messed-up shirt." It was then Felix noticed that your English sounded more than fluent, and he wondered what your first language was. He shook his head- there were tons more important questions he should be asking you. You promptly refused to let your eyes drift anywhere near him- let alone make eye contact as you shifted your weight between your feet bashfully. 

"I am running very late, and it is completely my fault that I ruined your shirt- I do hope you forgive me. This is a horrible impression and I hope to make it up to you further. I wish I could replace your drink as well, but I do still have somewhere to be." He stood there flabbergasted, as he watched you speed-walk away.  

He was left with so many questions- Who were you? You worked for Vuitton? You knew who he was? Were you a STAY? What's your favorite- He shook his head again. All he wanted was to sprint to you and hold you 'til his arms gave out, but his feet stayed rooted to the ground. A dull ache sprung up inside his chest, but he refused to let his mind wander. He knew fate would bring you back to him. For now, he smiled- brighter than the Paris sun itself, he grinned at the thought that he had finally found the last piece to his heart. 


The sound of the Seine's running water faded quick as you set your pace faster than before you had run into the new ambassador of LV. You internally berated yourself- you were a fool! This day had been a disaster, and you can't believe you ran into the one person who it would have mattered to! He was your client, and you ruined his break! You groaned out loud as you walked. You could see the review now... you were going to be the laughingstock of the department! 

With a deep breath, you allowed your eyes to close for a moment. 

'What's done is done, and I can't go back and change it. Let's focus on the now and do an excellent job for the next guy.' 

You didn't notice Felix's string, and you didn't notice the electric hum underneath your skin when you rammed into him. The only thing you noticed was how pretty his eyes sparkled and how beautifully his freckles complimented him.  

'Ugh, I really want to go back and replace his drink...'

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