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The camera flashes and fan screams were overwhelming as you shoved past what felt like hundreds of people. Feeling quite claustrophobic, you maneuvered your way through the shoving crowd of paparazzi and flashed your I.D. at the security guarding the doors. With a sigh of relief, you strode into the building. The moment you walked through the entrance you felt the shift in temperature. It was a warm day in Paris but being surrounded by all the people had increased your body's temperature by a lot. The cool air of the gallery welcomed you and it only added to the immense (yet short-lived) relief you felt.

Only after a couple of steps, you found yourself face to face with a nicely clothed back. The material felt thick and expensive from what you could tell with your nose- and the force of your collision sent the owner of said back forward a little.


The poor victim of your ruthless impact turned his body from where he was facing an employee of the show. You sucked in a breath ready to apologize in French, but all your words fell to the unfortunate fate of death on your lips. You and Jeongin's eyes met- his dark eyes sparkling in confusion and where you'd normally find annoyance, you found intrigue. Silver chains and charms hung on his divinely defined neck, and you had to stop your mind from wandering to how his hands would look and feel on your own throat. His foxlike features studied you for a beat more and before you apologized, the staff member behind him started speaking.

"Ah, quel plaisir de vous revoir! Ce monsieur ici est celui pour qui vous allez traduire. Bien que je sois sûr que vous le saviez déjà." The man chuckled. He was right, you knew this was the man you were here to translate for- and this was just another first-impression you managed to screw up somehow.

You thanked the staff member before bowing to Jeongin, remembering Korean customs.

"I am so sorry for running into you. What a terrible first impression I have made already." You apologized and introduced yourself in Korean. You didn't miss the slight shock in Jeongin's eyes as he heard your fluent speech in his native language- and you slightly preened at the reaction you elicited. (Only slightly, but don't worry I won't tell anyone ;) ).

"Oh, it's okay, you're alright." He responded with a small, heart-melting smile. Jeongin mirrored your bow, "I'm Jeongin, it's nice to meet you."

"I was the one who arranged everything for your arrival here, and I'm going to be your translator for the show. "

It was going to be a really funny story to tell at your expense- how oblivious you were. Thankfully the same can't be said for Jeongin- His eyes bugged out of his head as he noticed the taught red string tied around both your ring fingers. His left ring, your right. The sounds of the quiet chatter inside the gallery and the crowd outside died in his ears as he stared at you- pure awe gracing his beautiful features. He shifted forward a little bit with a strong urge to wrap you in a delicate hug.

He had gone quiet, you noticed, and you looked up from the floor you had been bashfully staring at the pattern- which was not as interesting as you had hoped- and your breath hitched at the look in his eyes. It was unmatched to anything you had ever seen before and you felt your body light on fire. Not of lust but butterflies flew around in your stomach, and you swore you and him both could hear each steady beat of your heart. He raised his left hand, and held it out a bit towards you, making the red string tied around his ring finger visible and directly in your line of sight.

Air rushed into your lungs in the form of a gasp. Your eyes flicked back and forth between your conjoint string and him, trying to figure out the right thing to say or do- but before you could properly think you found your hand sliding into his.

It was similar to the sudden shock of touching something metal- but not really.

As you two made contact, Your and Jeongin's hands felt warm- electric, in a way. The touch felt right, and you both could feel the happiness blooming inside your chests. You slowly raise your eyes from your hands wrapped around each other's (when he had tightened his grip you nor I know.) and you meet his. Happy eyes glossed over with unshed tears meet your own and you find yourself mirroring his happy smile. Jeongin's smile was more precious than anything you had ever seen, and it just complimented his face so well. You felt like you had run a marathon with how fast and hard your heart was beating but you felt the opposite energy-wise. He was so beautiful at that moment and now you understood all the cheesy songs and movies about soulmates finding each other.

Jeongin didn't waste a moment longer and gently pulled you closer- he wrapped his arms around your waist into a loose hug. You weren't flush against each other but even without the close skin ship most people would crave- it still felt perfect. It felt, dare I say, magical.

You took a deep breath to steady yourself- but you're not exactly sure if it worked or if it made it worse considering all you could smell was him. Surprisingly he didn't smell of expensive cologne or too much hair product- he smelled of shea and vanilla, a sweet but comforting smell and it wasn't too overpowering. You braved a featherlight kiss to his cheekbone and took your sweet time pulling away to look at his face once more.

You're at a loss for words and your mind reels as you try and come up with something to say.

"Hi." You start, your voice was small and barely over a whisper- like any sound might shatter the beautiful reality or dream of it all.

Jeongin can't help but giggle- his laugh was just as pretty as his face and you found yourself wanting to make him laugh over and over again. You may just become a comedian if it means you get to make him laugh a thousand times more.

You find yourself breathing in sync with him and you step back a bit, not letting go of his hand as you try and get your mind back on track. You still had a McQueen show to translate for him. Leading him to his seat, you sit next to him on his left. Your hand had entwined itself with his sometime when you two were walking but neither of you commented on it. And neither of you pulled away. Throughout the show, you both may or may not have laughed a bit with each other the whole time- but it's okay. It felt like everything was going to be okay.  

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