Surprise! But Not Really A Surprise. Sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter.

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When you and Changbin finally made eye contact, you couldn't stop the gasp from spilling out of your lips. You couldn't control the smile generating on your face, as your eyes darted across his face trying to take in every detail. His own sparkled with joy at realizing who he stumbled into and neither of you hesitated any further in pulling the other closer.

You didn't care for Chan's eyes or any worries of another soulmate appearing- how could you when you were pressed tightly to Changbin's chest. His embrace was like a warm blanket on a snowy day, the heart of a fire as the snow drifts to the ground outside, the sun finally peeking out the clouds on a cool autumn afternoon. His strong arms around your middle felt electrifying against your skin, and you took great enjoyment in having your head resting on his broad shoulder.


Neither you nor Changbin could find the strength to pull away from the other- you both stayed wrapped around each other in the middle of the doorway for a time you could not determine. You could feel his chest rise and fall, with steady breaths, his shoulders strong and determined to keep you flush against him. You vaguely heard the shutter click of a phone camera, your rationality arising once more. You moved your head back and away from Your new soulmate's shoulder and looked towards Chan. The aforementioned man was smiling himself silly, his phone in his hand unashamedly. You couldn't find it in you to care that much though. Sure, it was a little embarrassing. But you would take humiliation 1000 times worse if it meant you could have this man in your arms. You shifted your hold on him, not backing away but just shifting so you could look at him. You moved your hands from behind him to hold onto his biceps, as your eyes traced his face once more.

Changbin felt his face flush with hot embarrassment and- well, he couldn't ignore the pure attraction he had. Sure, he stared at the selfie of you and Jeongin at least 30 minutes a day but now that you were real and in front of him, he couldn't deny how fast his heart beat. Even with jetlag haunting your bones, and the rush of emotions from finding your soulmate making your eyes hazy, he couldn't think straight.

Neither of you bothered to look at your hands, the string on your respective pinkies taught and glowing fiercely. You squeezed Changbin's massive biceps lightly (another thought of 'holy shit' passing through your mind briefly) and opened your mouth to speak but you quickly found yourself speechless. You didn't know what to say, nothing seemed adequate for this special moment.

You shut your mouth as Chan's voice echoed in the hallway, "Good morning Changbin!", his voice was cheeky, and his dimples were on full display.

Changbin blinked rapidly, his stupor broken. "Good-" he cleared his throat, "-good morning. I missed you Chan hyung."

Chan cooed as he pressed his lips to Changbin's cheek. Changbin was quick to blush and steal a not-so-discreet glance at you before reciprocating Chan's actions. You just smiled, adoring your two soulmates and their mini reunion.

They separated and Changbin bowed to you before holding out his hand- the glowing thread around his right pinky seemed to shine brighter as it got closer to you. He looked positively princely, looking up at you through his eyelashes. You both smiled brightly at the other, and you took his hand with a warm squeeze.

"Here hand me your stuff. I'll walk you to your hotel. Is that alright?" Changbin directed his question to both you and Chan- you caught yourself leaning in slightly, your body acting on its own. You were drawn in by his voice- it was special in a way you didn't know how to put together. It wasn't the smoothest, yet it wasn't rough. But with the few words he spoke, his personality seemed to spill through no matter what.

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