It's The Cat's Fault

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A/N: I'm adding chapter summaries to the beginning of each chapter. They're too good to gatekeep on AO3. 


You overcome an obstacle more difficult than stubborn executives and picky celebrities, only for a certain soulmate to unravel your troublesome day like a cat to a ball of yarn.

A frown settled undisturbed on your face as your eyes scanned the empty shelves of your fridge. Phone in hand, you sighed. You'd been able to last without needing to buy groceries since you'd been here but your one-week anniversary of being in Korea had finally hit. You couldn't think of any more excuses to avoid going. You began typing away on your phone, making a list of the things you needed to get. Another sigh made its way past your lips and you used one hand to rub at your temple.

Grocery shopping made you nervous.


Because you never do it.

When was the last time you went grocery shopping? You genuinely couldn't remember. Being on the constant move for 4 years had certainly warped your general life skills. You hadn't needed to go food shopping. You'd always eat out, try new foods at different places, and hotels always provided fresh and healthy meals. Frustrated, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes. It felt similar to dealing with a difficult executive demanding that your choice of hotel and security weren't good enough for his employees.

Your phone buzzed in your hand, and you opened your eyes to look at the notification at the top of your screen.


Good morning <3

Are you free this afternoon? I would love to take you out on a date this afternoon!


I won't ever say no to spending time with you.


Great! Meet you at 2.

The time on your phone read 10:02 AM. That should be plenty of time to shop... right? You gulped and grabbed your keys. Any other items you needed, you gathered and headed out. This was simple. Grocery shopping is a perfectly mundane and normal thing to do. It couldn't be harder than anything you had ever done before...



This was officially the hardest thing you had ever done.

Too many people were there on a FRIDAY MORNING. IT WAS FRIDAY. WHY AREN'T THESE PEOPLE AT WORK??? Too many people, too many brands, too many words on everything, it all felt so stressful. How do people do this every week?

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