༄᭕❦𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 02

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Running from Airport to catch a taxi is very hard job when you are tired right?
After spending my past six years with my family in New Zealand I'm here.
This country has a special place in my heart.

Well I'm Mary.
Mary Jane I was born in Korea but had move New Zealand because my father started a company there.

I was in London. When I went back home I never thought that I will grow this close to my parents.. Because of fear? Yes I have fear of losing them again.

Nobody guessed that my Father will push me away to Korea. Who knows.. I wanna handle his company. I am afraid that I will ruin his image by doing something.

Well I'm not that same girl six years ago.
I am stubborn you can say that.

While walking on streets I bumped into someone. He was handsome tho!!
He mistook me as someone I think.
Bidding goodbye I walked forward.

We have our own mansion here and dad assigned some maids to take care of it while we were away from Korea.

Stepping inside, being tired I walked towards my room and slept for a while without changing my clothes.

I was asked to check my company when I woke up. It was evening and I was walking.

'Style' I opened it and welcomed by my manager.
"Ms.Mary finally you are here" She greeted me bowing I bowed back and after checking the boutique I walked towards my mansion.

While going I stood on the bridge it was very nice weather the moon's reflection was looking fine on the water. The soft gusts of wind messing my hairs.

After sometime I decided to go back.
I felt someone is following me so I dropped my plan to walk to home instead I took taxi.

I reached my mansion.. After talking with mumma and papa for an hour and having dinner I decided to design some dresses.

Next Morning...

I was going to my boutique with my car.
I reached my company and after some minutes my secretary came towards me and told me that we gonna have to design many dresses for a party held by CEO of Kim Enterprises.

"Ms.Bae let's go" I said taking my purse and car keys.
We drove to Kim Enterprises with our team we need their measurements and their taste in styles.

"We want to meet CEO" Ms. Bae asked.
"Any appointment?" The receptionist asked.
"Under Styles" I said.
"Please this way" She showed us a big room.
Our Team took their places.



Taehyung is organising a party, a business party and asked us to come to his company as designer will contact us.

I wore a simple yet elegant dress and made my doll to wear pink comfortable dress and we drove to his company.

"Mrs.Kim this way please" The receptionist soon identified me and led me towards his cabin.

I don't need to knock.. He said it.
I went in and that man didn't even looked at me. He didn't even feel any presence here.

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